Starting from version 2.5, the built-in link to CPLEX is no longer included in the installation of PlanWise, due to licensing uncertainties associated with shipping the files Ilog.Concert.Dll and Ilog.Cplex.dll with the installation package. However, we provide a linking file (a dll fille) that makes it easy for you to use CPLEX as a plugin (with unaffected performance). Instructions: 1. Close PlanWise if it is open. 2. Download the file HeurekaToCplexSolver.dll and put it in the folder MYDIR\Heureka\Common\Plugins, where MYDIR is the working directory, for example C:\My Documents. 3. Right-click HeurekaToCplexSolver.dll, select Properties and make sure the file is "Unblocked". (This is a security feature in Windows to prevent running of downloaded libraries) 4. Search for the files ILOG.Concert.Dll and ILOG.Cplex.dll on your computer. These files are installed when you install Cplex. Copy these files to the Plugins-folder too. These files are typically located in your CPLEX installation folder, under C:/Program Files/IBM/../CPLEX_Studio../cplex/x64_win64/. That is all you have to do, and Cplex should be available as a solver option when you have restarted PlanWise.