PlanWise, RegWise and PlanEval has a built-in report generator (Report Builder) to calculate the totals and averages for an analysis area that you have made a simulation or optimization for. The report generator is built around report templates that you create once and then reuse. Report templates are saved as files with the extension " .heurd " under C: \ My documents \ Common \ Reports. PlanWise and RegVis loads all the templates available in that folder. You can copy the templates from other users or download from here.


tog_minusAggegate types

There are a number of different aggregations available:







Sum, for example total volume.



Average per area unit for a subset or for all stands  


Area Sum


Area sum, for example area of final felling in a period



tog_minusCreate new report template
1.Select Optimisation results > Tables and diagrams (PlanWise) or Simulation results > Tables and diagrams (RegWise)
2.In the box Report templates to the left, right-click and select Create new template… and then Period values… to open the dialogue box Create report template


3.Click the button “Add…” to add a variable.
4.In the field “”Amount function” you can select the different value functions described above.
5.The field “Area” should normally be set to “RepresentativeArea”.
6.In the field “Variable” you select the variable of interest.
7.You can add conditions for subtotals or mean values for selections. For example, total volume of stands with site index above 20, is created as follows:
a.Click on Add Condition.
b.Select a condition variable (in this case SiteData.SiteIndex >20).
c.Select amount operator “>=”, and type the value 20.


tog_minusExample: Area thinning and final cutting per period
1.Right-click in the window Report templates and select “Create new template”> “Periodic values” (see Create new report template above).
2.Click on “Add” button.
3.Select “Areasum” as the amount function.
4.Let “Areatype” = “Representative area”.
5.Type “Area final cutting” as “Alias”.
6.Click on “Add condition”.
7.Click on “Condition” and select “Select variable…”
8.Select “Treatment” under result type “Treatments” and click on OK.

Klicka för att förstora bilden

9.Select “Belong to” as operator
10.Select “Select more values”:


11.Mark “final cutting” and “final cutting with seed trees” and OK.

Klicka för att förstora bilden

12.It will now look like this.

Klicka för att förstora bilden

13.Click OK.
14.Repeat steps 2-13 but for thinning.
15.Type e.g. “Treated areas” as “Diagram header”.
16.Select the desired diagram type and standard view, you can, for example, select bar diagram. This is what it looks like when you are finished:

Klicka för att förstora bilden

17.Click on OK.
18.To use the template, mark it in the window “Report templates”, select at least one simulation and click on “Show selected reports”.

Klicka för att förstora bilden

tog_minusExample: Area of forest mature enough for final cutting

This example illustrates how to create a report with a condition between two variables, in this case age and lowest allowable age for final cutting.


1.Create new report template (see above).
2.Click on “Add”.
3.Select “Amount function” = “AreaSum”, and “AreaType” = “Representative area”.
4.Add a condition that Forest Before MeanAgeExclOverstorey >= TreatmentUnit MinFinalFellingAge * 1.1. For creating a condition between two variables, the operator will be changed from “Value” to “Variable”. It will now look like this:

Klicka på bilden för att förstora

5.Click on OK.
tog_minusExample: Mean diameter in final cutting

When you calculate the mean diameter of harvested trees, it is appropriate to calculate volume-weighted mean values.


1.Right-click in the window Report templates and select “Create new template”> “Periodic values” (see Create new report template above).
2.Click on “Add” button.
3.Select “Aggregate Type” = “Average.
4.As a variable, select “Dgv Harvest” under the result type “Treatments”.
5.Define Alias, e.g. “Dgv i uttag”.
6.Mark “Weighted mean value”


7.Select “Volume Harvested” under “Treatments” as a weighting variable.
8.Add the conditions for the treatment that will be final harvest, see example above with area thinning and final cutting.
9.Repeat steps 2-7 for thinning with and without conditions. When you are ready, it will look like this:

Klicka på bilden för att förstora


The equation has a weighted mean value that looks like this:



Dp = mean diameter for harvested trees for all stands in period p

n = number of stands (treatment units)

ai = area of stand i

hip = harvested volume in stand I during period p

dip = mean diameter of harvested trees in stand I during period p

tog_minusDownload templates
1.Select Optimisation results > Tables and diagrams (PlanWise) or Simulation results > Tables and diagrams (RegWise)
2.Right-click in the box Report templates to the left and select Extract default templates and follow instructions. The naming of the templates and column headers are currently only available in Swedish.



3.If this doesn’t work, templates can be found here which you can download and then copy to folder Documents/Heureka/Common/Reports:



See also:Report Builder på HeurekaWiki

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