Import stands with sample plots and trees

If you have access to sample plot with calipered trees for a number of stands (not in FMMP-format, for FMPP-data there is another import function), you can used the function  "Import Tree List". The input format required is similar to that used when importing a stand register, but almost all variables that describe the tree layer (basal area, mean height, species proportions etc.) have dedicated sheets in the Excel-template for import tree lists. There is one sheet for sample plot descriptions (site variables), and one sheet for tree data.




tog_minusHow to import stands with tree data
1.Download and fill in the Excel-document from SLU:s FTP-server TreeListTemplate.xlsm. Accept activating the macro. The document contains descriptions and explanations.
2.Use the macro function ExportHeurekaData by clicking on the button in the first Excel sheet. The macro creates the necessary files (stands.csv, plots.csv, och trees.csv). Select the output folders
3.In PlanWise (or StandWise or RegWise),  select Import Tree List from from meny Data Management > Import.
4.Enter the folder path in "Path to files" for the files created in step 2.
5.Enter a name for the new area that will be created under "Root area description".
6.You can either let the program calculate site index (given you the same result as if you had manually looked up the site index in Boniteringshandboken del 2), given that you have entered all site variables in the sheet called Plot. Alternatively, you can enforce the program to use the value you have entered column SiteIndex in sheet Plot.
7.Click "Import".






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