View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0000302 | Heureka | TPG | public | 2020-01-10 09:55 | 2020-01-10 11:13 |
Reporter | Peder | Assigned To | Peder | ||
Priority | high | Severity | major | Reproducibility | always |
Status | resolved | Resolution | fixed | ||
Summary | 0000302: Stand register NCArea-values ignored when used with FMPP data | ||||
Description | For an imported FMPP dataset, you can import and link a stand register file with additional variables. However, if the register contains values in column NCArea, those values are ignored when running a TPG-simulation. | ||||
Steps To Reproduce | UPDATE: Om man använder TreatmentUnit.Area, dvs. avdelningarnas areal istället för de representativa, så funkar det. 1. Import an FMPP-data set in PlanWise. 2. Open Initial State > Details and select (only) columns TreatmentUnit.Description and TreatmentUnit.AdjustedAreaFactor. 3. Create a stand register file for that data by copyng thbe initial state data from Details view to Excel. 4. In the Excel document, rename columns to StandId and ProdArea. Add a new column called NCArea, and calculate its valiues as 0.1*ProdArea. 5. Save as csv-file and import. When importing. choose third import option "Länka register till befintligt Heureka data" 6. In the Nature Conservation control table in Domain Settings, select AreaProportionSource = FromDatabase under section 1.2 7. Run TPG Result: NC units should have been created but are not | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
Product | PlanWise | ||||
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2020-01-10 09:55 | Peder | New Issue | |
2020-01-10 11:11 | Peder | Steps to Reproduce Updated | |
2020-01-10 11:12 | Peder | Assigned To | => Peder |
2020-01-10 11:12 | Peder | Status | new => assigned |
2020-01-10 11:13 | Peder | Status | assigned => resolved |
2020-01-10 11:13 | Peder | Resolution | open => fixed |
2020-01-10 11:13 | Peder | Note Added: 0000293 |