View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000704HeurekaTPGpublic2024-11-07 09:05
Reporterjonare Assigned Tojonare  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2.22.0 
Target Version2.23.0Fixed in Version2.23.0 
Summary0000704: Wrong species selected as regeneration species
DescriptionIn rare cases wrong species was selected as regeneration species if the regeneration settings was set to "auto".
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-08-28 09:45 jonare New Issue
2024-08-28 09:45 jonare Status new => assigned
2024-08-28 09:45 jonare Assigned To => jonare
2024-08-28 09:51 jonare Changeset attached => heureka trunk r22490
2024-08-28 10:34 jonare Changeset attached => heureka trunk r22491
2024-09-09 08:15 jonare Status assigned => resolved
2024-09-09 08:15 jonare Resolution open => fixed
2024-09-09 08:15 jonare Fixed in Version => 2.23.0
2024-11-07 09:05 jonare Severity minor => major