Applies to applications: StandWise


In version 2.1 and later you can save results in StandWise to a results database. In previous versions this was only possible in PlanWise and RegWise. To be able to save a result, you must select a results database on the Start page (or via the Data Management > Database Connections menu).


To save a treatment program, click on the Save button in the tool bar (Figure 1). The Save button is enabled only if you have selected a results database AND you have selected a stand and made and stepped at least one period forward.


Figure 1. Saving a result in StandWise. The Save-button is enabled if you have selected a result database, AND you have selected a stand and made and stepped at least one period forward.

Figure 1. Saving a result in StandWise. The Save-button is enabled if you have selected a result database, AND you have selected a stand and made and stepped at least one period forward.



Then enter a name for the result (Figure 2):


Figure 2.


When you have saved a program it will be added to the list in the window Saved Simulations (Figure 3). Then, if you right-click on a result row in the list and select Show Program, the management program will be recreated based on the saved treatment information.



Figure 3.


When you open a saved program, the current control table settings are used to determine how a particular treatment should be simulated. For example, if you have simulated a management program that includes a thinning from below, a "recreated" thinning will be applied in the same way if you have not changed how a thinning should be carried out in the Treatment Model control table, and not made changes in the thinning dialog displayed when simulating a thinning. However, the thinning will be from above if you have told the program to thin that way. In other words, the treatment specification is not saved in such detail that an exact recreation is possible based solely on the result data saved. If the control table settings have been changed after the management program was saved, or if you have made changes in the treatment specification dialogs displayed when simulating a treatment, the specific treatment will be applied in a different way. The elements saved and restored are the:


Treatment code (thinning, final felling, planting etc.).
Thinning grade
Regeneration method
Regeneration species


Examples of treatment details not saved:


Number of planted trees
Thinning form
Fertilization amount



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