An interactive simulator for stand-level analysis


StandWise is program that you can use to evaluate specific management options and study outputs for a single stand*, for example:

revenues, costs, and net present value
bio fuel harvesting
recreation index
occurrence of dead wood
occurence of large trees of a certain species
carbon sequestration
forest development under different climate scenarios.


StandWise works so that you can step through periods, and successively add treatments that you want to evaluate. As a comparison, PlanWise generates a number of alternative management programs automatically for a range of stands.


StandWise has a built-in visualization tool showing a tree map with stand boundaries. The tree map view is interactive and allows you to draw strip roads (hauling roads). It also has a 3D-view that can be rotated. Finally, you can create a larger number of diagrams that show the development over time for any variably that is available.


StandWise is also a good entry point for the Heureka-beginner, to get familiar with the system. The way you change settings is very similar to how you do it in PlanWise and RegWise.


Learn how to simulate different kind of treatments in chapter Simulation of silivicultral treatments and harvesting.







Read more: StandWise on


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