View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000671HeurekaTPGpublic2024-03-12 07:21
Reporterjonare Assigned Tojonare  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2.22.0 
Target Version2.23.0Fixed in Version2.23.0 
Summary0000671: Spin-up for initial soil carbon use wrong species in some cases
DescriptionDominant species is used in the calculation for yearly litter in the spin-up. It should be dominant species in period 0, but the last period is used instead.
TagsNo tags attached.



2024-03-12 07:21

administrator   ~0000610

Now retrieves dominant species from period 0.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-03-12 07:14 jonare New Issue
2024-03-12 07:14 jonare Status new => assigned
2024-03-12 07:14 jonare Assigned To => jonare
2024-03-12 07:20 jonare Changeset attached => heureka trunk r22412
2024-03-12 07:21 jonare Status assigned => resolved
2024-03-12 07:21 jonare Resolution open => fixed
2024-03-12 07:21 jonare Fixed in Version => 2.23.0
2024-03-12 07:21 jonare Note Added: 0000610