Heureka database upgrade script
Revision as of 15:45, 16 February 2009 by Cawa2 (talk | contribs) (New page: Back to scripts <pre> IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM VERSION WHERE ApplicationVersion = '' OR ApplicationVersion = '' ) = 0 BEGIN PRINT 'Wro...)
IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM VERSION WHERE ApplicationVersion = '' OR ApplicationVersion = '' ) = 0 BEGIN PRINT 'Wrong Version of database. You must upgrade to version before running this script.'; SELECT ApplicationVersion FROM VERSION; END ELSE BEGIN -- 1. Add extended property on database to identify heureka forest databases IF NOT EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM fn_listextendedproperty('Heureka Database Type', default, default, default, default, default, default)) BEGIN EXEC sp_addextendedproperty @name = N'Heureka Database Type', @value = 'ForestDatabase'; END -- 2. Add columns for to StandObject for number of stems per speciesGroup IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'StandObject' AND COLUMN_NAME = 'StemProportionPine') BEGIN ALTER TABLE StandObject ADD [StemProportionPine] [real] NULL, [StemProportionSpruce] [real] NULL, [StemProportionBirch] [real] NULL, [StemProportionAspen] [real] NULL, [StemProportionOak] [real] NULL, [StemProportionBeech] [real] NULL, [StemProportionDeciduous] [real] NULL, [StemProportionContorta] [real] NULL, [StemProportionBroadleaf] [real] NULL END -- 3. Add new columns for to InitialState_ForestData IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'InitialState_ForestData' AND COLUMN_NAME = 'BasalAreaWeightedMeanDiameterAll') BEGIN ALTER TABLE [dbo].[InitialState_ForestData] ADD [BasalAreaWeightedMeanDiameterAll] [float] NULL, [BasalAreaWeightedMeanDiameterOverstorey] [float] NULL, [BasalAreaWeightedMeanDiameterExclOverstorey] [float] NULL, [MeanHeightAll] [float] NULL, [MeanHeightOverstorey] [float] NULL, [MeanHeightExclOverstorey] [float] NULL END -- Update Version Table UPDATE Version SET ApplicationVersion = ''; PRINT 'Success! Database upgrade to version'; END