ControlTable Climate Model

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This control table contains settings for activating climate growth response and choosing climate scenario.

The Heureka system includes a "climate growth response model", which takes into account effects of climate change on growth. A pre-processed climate scenario is used as input, which is really a growth change scenario. A scenario describes how a climate change will affect growth. The scenarios available for Heureka have been calculated by an external model called BIOMASS, with climate scenarios developed by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) as input.

Climate Model

Allows you to control if climate changes will have impact upon the forest development in the simulations. Read here about how the calculations are done: Climate Model

Apply Climate Response

Set to True if climate change responses should be used in calculation of trees' growth, False if not.


Allows you to control how climate changes have impact upon certain forest variables in the simulations.

Adjust Site Index

True implies that the site index will be adjusted due to climate changes, False if not. Affects to what extent biological tree ages are modified.

If site index is adjusted, it will also affect the minimim allowable final felling age, which depends om site index.

Adjust Vegetation Index

True implies that the vegetation index will be adjusted due to climate changes, False if not. Affects to what extent biological tree ages are modified.

Apply Age Adjustment

True(default): Tree ages should be calibrated to capture the growth change. If means that an algorithm will use binary search to identify the tree ages that will give the expected growth. If the climate growth change is positive, tree ages will be smaller (since a tree with a given size will have a larger growth the younger it is). If adjustment parameters Adjust Site Index and Adjust Vegetation Index are set to true, some of the growth change will be captured by changed site conditions, and the adjustment of tree ages will be smaller. Heureka keeps track of modified tree ages (called biological ages), and actual ages. The bological ages are kept internal to the program and are not reported.
False: No age adjustment is done, but basal area growth change and height growth change is allocated directly to the trees.

Include CO2 Respone

The climate growth change model contains three growth change factors: Temperature, water and carbion dioxide respone. The carbon dioxide component can be inactivated (intended only for research purposes).

Biomass Response

Allows you to control how climate changes have impact upon the trees' biomass development in the simulations.


Specific Leaf Area of tree species 1 - 9 (other species than the two below can be included).

Pine defines the ratio of projected area of leaves (here needles) and their dry matter, expressed in m2/tonne, for Pinus sylvestris.
Spruce defines the ratio of projected area of leaves (here needles) and their dry matter, expressed in m2/tonne, for Picea abies.

Response Modifier

Allows you to control and modify how climate changes have impact upon the trees' development in the simulations.


Respone modifier intercept of tree species 1 - 9 (other species than the two below can be included).

Pine defines the interception of carbon monoxide, expressed in value range (0, 1), of Pinus sylvestris.
Spruce defines the interception of carbon monoxide, expressed in value range (0, 1), of Picea abies.

Min Vegetation Index

Pine defines the minimum value of the vegetation index of Pinus sylvestris.
Spruce defines the minimum value of the vegetation index of Picea abies.

Max Vegetation Index

Pine defines the maximum value of the vegetation index of Pinus sylvestris.
Spruce defines the maximum value of the vegetation index of Picea abies.

Climate Scenario

Selected climate scenario, see Import climate scenario in Heureka Helpdoc.

MPI 4.5: Based on Max Planck Institute MPI-ESM model using radiation scenario RCP 4.5, which assumes that radiative forcing stabilises at 4.5 W/m² before the year 2100. See also RCP4.5 at SMHI's homepage.
MPI 8.5: Based on Max Planck Institute MPI-ESM model using radiation scenario RCP 4.5, which assumes that radiative forcing stabilises at 8.5 W/m² before the year 2100.. See also RCP8.5 at SMHI's homepage
ECHAMS_A1B: Based on Max Planck Institute climate model ECHAM using emission scenario SRES A1B.

See also

About SMHI climate scenarios
Climate scenarios used in Heureka in the SKA 15 project