Forest Data Results

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This result group contains: State for each treatment unit. Results include data for each treatment unit, alternative and time period. Please note that species-wise data is placed in a separate group (Data per Species).

Variable name Unit Description
Mean Age (excl. overstorey) yr Mean total age for non-overstorey trees, basal area weighted if established stand, arithmetic of main saplings if young stand
Mean Age yr Basal area weighted mean age all trees, including overstorey trees.
Mean Age Main Saplings m Mean age of main saplings
Stand Age yr Years since regeneration
Basal area (incl. overstorey) m2/ha Basal area including overstorey trees
Basal area (excl. overstorey) m2/ha Basal area excl. Overstorey
Basal area (overstorey) m2/ha Basal area of overstorey trees (retention-, seed- and shelterwood trees)
Closure unitless Ratio between the volume of the forest, compared to the volume that would be optimal to harness the wood production potential of the site. In young stands, the number of main saplings is used instead of volume.
Dgv cm Basal area weighted mean diameter of trees, excluding overstorey trees
Dgv Overstorey cm Basal area weighted mean diameter of overstorey trees
Hgv m Basal area weighted mean height for non-overstorey trees
Hgv Overstorey m Basal area weighted mean height for overstorey trees (retention-, seed- and shelterwood trees)
Mean Height Main Saplings (arithmetic) m Arithmetic mean height for main saplings (calculated as weighted averaged using calculated crop tree probabibilites as weights)
Mean Height All Saplings (arithmetic) m Arithmetic mean height for all saplings
SI Management H100 m Site index for management to be used when calculating minimum final felling age (LSÅ)
Dominant Species species Regeneration species or species with largest basal area or stems
Dominant Height m Dominant height based on the 100 largest trees (with respect to tree diameter) per ha of dominant species
Dominant Height From Dgv m Dominant height calculated with a function using Hgv as explantory variable (Björn Elfving)
Dominant Height From Trees m Dominant height calculated from tree list
Initial Min Final Felling Age yr Initial minimum final felling age (in year 0).
Min Final Felling Age yr Minimum final felling age. This can change over time if the next generation is regenerated with another species, or if climate models are applied (cf. SIS (projected) below).
Volume (incl. overstorey) m3sk/ha Volume (incl. overstorey)
Volume overstorey m3sk/ha Volume of overstorey trees (retention-, seed- and shelterwood trees)
Volume (excl. overstorey) m3sk/ha Volume (excl. overstorey)
Volume ≥ 8cm dbh (incl. overstorey) m3sk/ha Volume of trees ≥ 8 cm dbh (incl. overstorey)
Stems stems/ha Stem density (all trees)
Regeneration Species
SpeciesCode Species for which the current rotation was regenerated (if even-aged management), or dominant species if regeneration species is unknown
Waiting State true/false True if young stand that has not yet reach 2-3 meters height and is waiting to be activated. Interpolated state.
SIS (projected) H100 m Site index determined from site index factors, and adjusted for climate change if climate model is actived.
SIH (estimated) H100 m see Variable:SiteIndexH (SIH). Calculated with site index equations for height development of dominant trees. H100, for birch H50.