Import of FMPP data

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It is possible to import data from the Forest Management Planning Package (sv: Indelningspaketet, IPAK). The four basic files (PLANT.DAT, PTFI.DAT, RESFI.DAT and YTOR.DAT) are then needed. Some additional settings are done during the import, e.g. the type of data is usually "Strata", meaning that only a sample of the stands (the treatment units) in the current analysis area have been in-field inventoried by systematic plot sampling (hence, these sample stands represents a larger area than the actual). Data type "Complete" means that all stands in the analysis area have plot data, obtained either by a complete field inventory or (more likely) by the "Forking method" - an imputation technique recycling FMPP-plots and simulating plot data in non-inventoried stands.

In menu "External data" > "Import FMPP data...":

  1. "Browse..." to the catalogue with the basic files
  2. Some knowledge about the inventory is necessary, e.g. where it was performed (in what county), when (what year of inventory) and how (e.g. what tree species codes were used).

The basic files are checked for errors in the FMPP. Additional variables could have been estimated in the field inventory (maybe variables useful in analyses with the Heureka system). The aware user might see that AVDDEL.DAT, usually regarded as one of the four basic files in the FMPP (obtained in import of inventory data), has been replaced by RESFI.DAT. This implies that FMPP's "inital state generator" (TILLST.EXE) has been run.

  • Note
Be careful when using imputed plot data/simulated single tree-data based on a stand register of uncertain quality. Any systematic errors here will comply and might even grow with the prognoses, with negative impact on the planning result's reliability. In strategic planning, this carefulness should increase with the lenght of the planning horizon.