Version 1.0.7

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Release notes

New features

  • The timber price list for Scots pine was erroneously used for lodgepole pine, and there was no possibility to enter a specific pricelist for lodgepole pine. This has been added, so now you can enter a specific timber price list for lodgepole pine (with its own quality distribution). You can also specify a specific pulpwood price for lodgepole pine.
  • Control tables and control categories can be saved separately to files (in StandWise, PlanWise, and RegWise). This feature makes it is easier to share and reuse settings with other users and projects, you do not have to copy or share the entire project folder.
  • Now you can select a single treatment unit in RegWise (just as you have been able to for a long time in PlanWise and StandWise).
  • When you select treatment units for analysis is the window called AnalysisArea in RegWise and PlanWise, a new feature called �??Select treatment units from file�?� lets you select a subset of treatment units. This is especially useful when you want to analyze a subset of stands that are located non-contiguously in the treatment unit list, before you had to select one by one. You reach this function by right-clicking on an area node.
  • A model is now available to account for tree breeding growth effect (genetic gain and provenance). The user interface is currently designed primarily for RegWise, but is also available in PlanWise and StandWise for test purposes. The growth effect is calculated by changing the site index during the �??establishment�?� phase (from planting to mean height of 7-8 m). The increased site index leads to an increased height development. After the establishment phase, the trees are assigned a tree diameter which is a function of tree height, so trees will also have larger diameter. After the establishment phase, no more correction of site index is applied, but the trees will follow different trajectories.
  • A parameter �??Latest Thinning Criteria�?� has been added. This limits how late a thinning can be made. As default, a thinning cannot be applied if the relative age is larger than 0.9.The relative age is that ratio between mean age and 1.1 * minimum clear cut age (beståndsålder / (1.1 * LSÅ?)). The parameter is found in control table Treatment Model.
  • Fertilization cost is calculated as a function of a fixed part and a part dependent on the amount of fertilizer applied. Two new control table parameters are used for this: Fertilization Cost Fixed and Fertilizer Unit Cost.
  • A new feature allows you to set the number of decimals in the optimization model. This can affect to size of problems that can be solved, since a fewer number of decimals decrease the size of intermediate ZIMPL text files created by PlanWise and used as input in the third party solvers.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Wrong tree height function for lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) was used in previous version. Now Pinus sylvestris function is used, with a 3 m addition to site index which is an explanatory variable in the height function (Söderberg 1992).
  • Volume calculations using form height (not default but an optional function) were erroneuous for lodgepole pine due to a unit error. This lead to large deviations. This has been fixed.
  • A bug was unfortunately introduced in version 1.0.4, so that ingrown trees were given an incorrect height development. This has been fixed.
  • The model for �??intense management�?� or �??intense fertilization�?� has been reconstructed, it had several errors.
  • When entering a new areanode (områdesnod) in Register Tree Data in StandWise, the treatment unit list in �??Treatment Unit Window�?� was not updated. This has been fixed.

Known issues

Known Issues