Heureka - Change Log
Released 2023-04-25
- 0000585: [Data import] Plots created in Register Tree Data does not get assigned distanceToCoast. (jonare)
- 0000584: [Growth / production] Mindre fel i beräkning av SIS för tall på torvmark i norra Sverige (jonare)
- 0000583: [General] Treatment proposals: TPG may switch over to control category 1 (jonare)
- 0000580: [General] Negative Forwarder Cost (Linus)
- 0000579: [Other] Fel vid beräkning av klickar och avverkningskluster (Linus)
- 0000571: [Optimization] Error when importing model item (jonare)
- 0000572: [TPG] Inget skötselprogram skapat (Linus)
- 0000578: [Growth / production] Overstorey Remover for initial regeneration is removed when backing to period 0 (Linus)
- 0000577: [Growth / production] Breeding effect remains after resetting treatment unit in StandWise (Linus)
- 0000574: [Optimization] Fel NPV i optimeringsinfo för alternativet MaxNPV (Linus)
- 0000576: [General] IPAK import: Dead trees assigned to wrong decay class (jonare)
- 0000573: [General] Mortality calculation sometimes biased towards too few or too many stems (Linus)
- 0000569: [Data import] Treelist importer ignoring missing InventoryYear (jonare)
- 0000568: [Control categories] Feature: Add settings for Harvested Wood Products (jonare)
- 0000567: [Optimization] Small error in the Optimization wizard (jonare)
- 0000566: [Map plugins] Buffer Dialog returns error in some cases (jonare)
- 0000565: [Optimization] Selecting a parameter with a removed resultproperty throws exception (jonare)
- 0000564: [TPG] Tactical TPG: Inconsistent behaviour in time between thinnings and other treatments (Linus)
- 0000563: [General] Simulation of treelist fails in Register Tree Data (jonare)
- 0000560: [Control categories] RotationAgeAdjustFactor is not considered when calculating initial state (Linus)
- 0000561: [Data import] Fel rubrik på fråga "create units for retention patches" vid import av beståndsregister direkt vid skapandet av ett nytt projekt (Linus)
- 0000581: [General] Fuel wood not collected from natural mortality (jonare)
22 issues View Issues