Version 1.9.7

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Version 1.9.7



Server and web site moved!

We have moved the server from to

THE AUTOMATIC UPGRADE WILL PROBABLY NOT WORK!!! After uninstalling current versions, go to this page to upgrade:

Links to the wiki, the help and the bugtracker are now:

In addition, for this wiki, short url:s are now used. The links should be redirected automatically, but if they do not work you can edit them from the format

New features

  • From the forest map (under Initial State tab in PlanWise and RegWise), you can now select stands and assign them to a forest domain.
  • The dialog Enter Data Manually (Mata in data manuellt) in menu Data Management (Datahantering) now has a copy-function that allows you to copy a stand.


  • The variables Area and AreaFactor can be found in both the input database and the result database, but they have referred to total area in the forest database and to productive area in the result database. This has been changed so that they refer to productive area in both databases. The forest database will be automatically upgraded accordingly. It is important that you or someone else has write privileges when opening a project created in an earlier version, since the selected forest database is automatically upgraded when needed. If the upgrade fails, you should close the project again and let someone with administrator’s privileges update the database (by opening a new or existing project using that database). If you run a new TPG-simulation or RegWise-simulation on a forest database that is not upgraded, your results will be faulty.
  • When applying tree retention, retained trees are “only” retained until the next time for final felling or until the retention time has been reached. Each time a new final felling is applied, a new decision is taken on what trees to retain. In previous versions, trees already marked for retention (at a previous final felling) were ignored, leading to that more retained trees could be retained than intended. It is possible that survived retention trees will be selected again, but this depends on what trees are available. For example, there may exist more high-priority trees in the next generation depending on management, than in the first generation.
  • Tree retention in uneven-aged management is handled differently than in even-aged management, so that trees once marked for tree retention are considered retained trees in subsequent fellings to. Hence, when applying a selection felling it is decided what additional trees to retain to fill the desired quota.
  • Optimization model parameters can now be copied. This applied to parameters that are linked to TPG-result variables, not defined parameters (formula and single value).
  • After an optimization, the user is asked directly whether the solution should be saved, if the solution is feasible.

Bug fixes

  • When using stand register data as input, bare land that had wrong “maturity classes” (huggningsklasser) were never regenerated. This problem was actually caused by an error in the user’s input data. However, a treatment unit is now considered bare land and automatically regenerated if there are fewer than 10 trees per ha, regardless of user-defined maturity class. A condition though is that the proportion of empty plots in a treatment unit is large enough to enforce a regeneration, as given by parameter “Max Bare Land Allowed %” in control table Treatment Model. This parameter is only applicable when a treatment unit has more than one sample plot, such as when using FMPP data. Note! There are special rules for NFI-data plots which are not affected by this change.
  • Some bugs have been fixed that gave wrong volumes in stands with retained trees or overstorey trees when more than one control category was used.