Version 2.6.0

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Version 2.6.0



  • Online maps (GIS plugin) included.
  • Buffer zones creator included in installation.
  • (Beta) Habitat prognosis model included as integrated component of Heureka (no need for ArcGIS license).
  • Possibility to enter user-defined minimum final felling ages.
  • Possibilty to print out tree lists for a plan (an optimization result) in PlanWise (as has already been possible for a simulation in RegWise).
  • Possibility to rerun a plan in PlanWise, for exammple to include additional result variables, print tree lists, or change the discount rate.

New functionalty

Online background maps (WMS and WMTS) (Beta)

You can now add background maps from map services in PlanWise and RegWise. A number of predefined services is included, such as Lantmäteriets Topowebb. You can also define one custom connection. For SLU-users, ortophoto data can be selected from the list. Read more here:

User-defined minimum final felling ages

As an alternative to use the minimum final felling ages of the Swedish forestry, you can now enter a minimum felling age for a species group (in the TreatmentModel control table). If you enter a value larger than 0, this value will override the value from the Swedish forestry legislation.

Heureka BufferZones GIS tool included

Since some months, a tool for creating buffer zones has been available for manual download. This tool is now included as part of the installation. Read more here:

New habitat model tool (Beta)

A new habitat model tool, which is independent of ArcGIS, is included as integrated part of PlanWise and RegWise. This tool replaces the previous stand-alone application HabitatPrognosis. Read more here:

Print tree-level results in PlanWise

In RegWise it has been possible for a long time to save tree-level data to text files during a simulation. This has not been possible in PlanWise until now. You can rerun a simulation based on a previous optimization result (i.e. a certain plan), and let the program print tree-level results in PlanWise. For each stand, the management schedule selected according the plan is recreated and applied in the rerun. The function is activated under the Tools menu, "Rerun simulation.../ Export tree-level results". Read more below about rerunning a simulation. Read more here:

Rerun an optimization result in PlanWise

If you rerun a simulation in PlanWise, you can add variables that were not included in the original simulation. For each stand, the management schedule selected of the plan is recreated and applied in the rerun. The function works similar to when applying user-defined treatment proposal, but instead of importing treatment proposal, you just select an existing optimization result as starting point. You could also change the discount rate, use another pricelist, other cost functions etc. However, unless intentional, you should avoid changing production model settings. This is because the information used to restore the management programs when rerunning a simulation assumes that the bilogical growth is the same. For example, inactiving natural ingrowth in the production model settings, and applying a management regime that relies on natural ingrowth, would probably give peculiar results.

Note that results may not be exactly the same, depending on the degree of stochasticity in the growth models. Most of these are by default applied in deterministic mode, but for example height growth reduction on saplings due to damages have a stochastic component. Also, if you have change the control table settings after the original simulation, such as thinning configuration, the results cannot be exactly reproduced. Read more here:

Import column for breeded plants

If an existing plantation has been planted with breeded plants, you can now provide this information in a new column called "IsBreeded" in the stand register file to be imported. Set value 1 for a stand where breeded plants have been used.


Recreation index model modified

  • The recreation model consists of three sub models, where each applies to a certain mean height interval. Now, a "smoothifying" transition zone is used between the models to minimize sudden “jumps” in the recreation index due to changed height interval. When the mean height is in the transition zone between two models, the model results are weighted.
  • The recreation model considers time since last harvest operations when calculating soil damage variable. The effect of soil damages on the recreation index is assumed to decrease over time. You can change the so called Soil Damage Recovery rates in control table Recreation Model.
  • The occurrence of dead wood in the recreation index model is now inactivated by default, due to the uncertainty in Heurekas dead wood model and the fact that the initial amount of dead wood inventory is seldom available in the input data.

About net present values in RegWise

Net present values in RegWise have never included periods after the planning period selected, since RegWise makes no calculations after the last planning period. This is not a problem in PlanWise in which an infinite time horizon is approximated by assuming the last rotation or last cutting cycle is repeated in perpetuity. However, in RegWise you can now add additional periods when you do a RegWise simulation, to obtain a longer time horizon. The results for the additional period are not saved to the results database, but only used when the net present values are calculated. More periods will decrease the infinite time horizon approximation. For example with a time horizon of 100 years, and 20 additional five-year periods, the discount factor for the last period is less than 2% with a 2 % discount rate, and less than 0.2 % with a 3 % discount rate. The lower the discount rate, the larger is the difference to the true net present value. With a discount rate of 1 %, the discount factor for revenues 300 years is 0.05, which is not neglectable. A future improvement is therefore to assume that the last rotation or cutting cycle is repeated after, say 200 years. It is more complex than in PlanWise, since the allocation of treatments between treatment units are dependent during the simulation, which is not the case in a TPG-simulaton in PlanWise. This problem has not come to our attention earlier because the body of RegWise users have not been interested in the net present values.

Changed handling of bio fuel extraction after wind-throw

Improvement: The decision to extract bio fuel in a stand that has been windthrown (in RegWise) is now determined by the control category settings. In previous version no biofuel was extracted after windthrow.

Reverse J-shaped diameter distribution simulated for uneven-aged stands

Improvement: Until now, the diameter distribution calculated for stands imported from a stand register has been more or less independent of the value assigned to column EvenAgedCode in the stand register file. This has resulted in that uneven-aged stand has obtained a bell-shaped diameter distribution instead of the expected inverse J-shaped. Based on a twelve uneven-aged stands, new diameter distribution parameters have been calculated for uneven-aged stands. Since Heureka is calibrating the total basal area and the number of stems, the parameters appears robust to different stem densities and volumes. The reiduals bwtween observed and simulated data were smaller than when using the old parameters for any of the tested stands. Although this should be considered a quick-fix for now, we find it good enough to immediately replace the coefficients (for uneven-aged stands). Read more here: Media:PM_nya_Weibull-param_för_olikåldriga_bestand.pdf

Regeneration species can be set to Auto when importing treatment proposals

If you enter or import user-defined treatment proposals, you can now choose "Auto" instead of a specific species. If you select Auto, the program select the species that has been determined as main crop species. See help documention on how the main species is determined. If you import treatment propsoals from a file, set Species-value to "Auto" to use this feature. Main species definition

Bug fixes and other changes

Update: ForeStand schema used when importing stand register xml-fil updated

The ForeStand-schema used has been updated to version 2016.2.01.

Update: Support added for Gurobi 7.0

If you have Gurobi 7.0 it is now listed among available solvers in the PlanWise optimization tool.

Bug fixes: Map display

Several minor issues in the map control have been fixed, for example that the map zoomed out when looking at a result map and changing time period, and that an error sometimes occured when displaying thematic maps. Main species definition

Bug fix: Area restrictions in RegWise

Restrictions in RegWise for maximum area proportion fertilization, intensive fertilization, stump extraction, and harvest residue extraction were not implemented. The main users we have contacted say they have never needed that functionality, which is why the bug has not been discovered.

Bug fix: Intensive fertilization in RegWise was only possible in stands that were young stands at time 0

Intensive fertilization in RegWise was only applied to stands with mean heights between 2 and 4 m. Now site constraints are sufficient, thus allowing stands for being intensively fertilized in the next rotation.

Bug fix: Breeding effect when planting in period 0

No breeding effect was obtained when planting in period 0, which is now fixed.

Bug fix: Import of stand register using ForeStand standard updated

The ForeStand XML-schema has been updated.

Bug fix: Result variable TreeSizeDiversity (Hugin def.) fixed

Result variable StructuralDiversity.TreeSizeDiversity = UnevenAged was not implemented correctly. To be classified as UnevenAged, acccording to the original Swedish NFI definition, there must be trees in four diameter classes, and the number of trees in class i must be larger than the number of trees in class i + 1. Also, the largest tree must be at least 20 cm. The bug was that no checking was done that trees existed in the largest diameter class, which lead to that a stand could be classfied as UnevenAged, altough there were only trees in the first three classes.

This bug may have affected the forest domain assignment to a treatment unit, if the forest domain contained condidtion that involved this variable. Also, recreation index has been affected.

Bug fix: Application crashed if you tried to add a cost trend for a treatment type already added

You can only add one cost trend per treatment type.

Bug fix: Map projection conversion error from RT90 to Sweref

There was an error in the GIS-library in the projection transformation data for RT90, that caused projection errors if a map was reprojected between RT90 and SWEREF99TM.

Changes in the help documentation

New section on habitat models

A new help topic has been added describing the habitat suitability calculation tool. See

New section on integer variables in optimization

A new help topic has been added on MIP and on rounding off variables, and what you must pay attention to if you use the rounding function. See

New chapter on GIS and maps

GIS and map functions has been extended and moved to a separate section called GIS and map viewer See