Heureka - Change Log
Released 2019-01-31
- 0000257: [TPG] Volume function for larch returns negative value for trees with large diameter or height. Solution: Use pine function if dbh >50 (Peder)
- 0000276: [Data import] Can not simulate initial state for stands where Inventory year is lower than other historic treatments (Linus)
- 0000277: [Other] Plugins can now have custom settings (Linus)
- 0000258: [General] Trees in StandWise remain selected for treatment after deselection if "stepping back in time"? (Linus)
- 0000255: [General] (RegWise) Alternative summary and Treatment Data results not display in results table view (Linus)
- 0000267: [TPG] "Object reference" fel i TPG (Linus)
- 0000254: [Control categories] "RetentionTime in Nature conservation was moved.." message is displayed although project has been updated (Linus)
- 0000260: [Data import] Young stand simulated when an established stand was expected (due to error in stand register record) (Linus)
- 0000269: [TPG] B3-plots are not regenerated when final felling in period 0 (Linus)
- 0000256: [TPG] For some stands no tactical program are created if a strategic optimized plan is used as input (Linus)
- 0000271: [Other] Changed pulpwood max diameter is reset to default (Linus)
- 0000264: [General] Improve threading performance when calculating pricelists (Linus)
- 0000259: [General] Pasting values into timber pricelist puts 0 in last column (Linus)
- 0000244: [TPG] No stump harvest when changing control category between generations (Linus)
- 0000250: [Data import] Simulated young stand completely different from input data (Linus)
- 0000268: [TPG] Generation in Result is always 0 (Linus)
- 0000272: [Optimization] Optimization result and solver meta data mixed in the same output window (Linus)
- 0000275: [Project handling] Remove prompt asking about where to save pricelist, when it's not needed (Linus)
- 0000270: [Control categories] Control table parameters not displayed in Simple View (Linus)
- 0000263: [Optimization] Optimization model syntax-highlight does not work if blank space is missing (
user14) - 0000262: [Optimization] Allow copying of parameter of constant or formula type in optimization model (
21 issues View Issues