Version 2.12

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  • Version 2.12 contains new functonality in RegWise to allow for the simulation of land use changes. Until now the only land use supported has been "Productive forestland". A new control table called "LandUse" has been added to the Domain Settings-type control category (RegWise only). The immediate use of this functionality is for the national greenhouse gas report.
  • Non-productive forestland is now supported as land-use type, and new growth functions have been developed for this (Kenneth Nyström 2018).
  • The bucking algorithm (utbytesberäkningen) now includes a possibility to let roundwood logs (both timber and pulpwwod) be downgraded to fuelwood. This is a decision made at the harvesting site, so fuelwood will be handled as a distinct assortment and assumed to be put in a separate log pile the road side. There are separate settings for pulpwood and timber. For example, you could enter a higher downgrading proportion for pulpwood. Timber can be downgraded to pulpwwod, fuel wood and to log cull. Pulpwood can be downgraded to fuelwood and log cull. Fuelwood from downgraded logs is reported as a new assortment, in volume units. This is distinct from harvest residues which is reported in biomass dry weight units (branches and tree tops, and whole trees from bio fuel thinnings).
  • What was previously called Waste (vrak) has been renamed to Log Cull. It refers to logs downgraded at the industry but has until now been accounted for only as a decrease in saw timber revenue. Now the volume is explicitly reported, from downgrading of timber and pulpwood. This means that the timber and pulpwood volumes will be smaller in the new version (unless the waste proportion is zero).
  • The default price for Log Cull (previously called Waste) has been changed from 80 to 0 SEK per volume unit.
  • Harvesting and forwarding costs in storm-felled stands can be adjusted with time consumption adjustment factors (RegWise).
  • The Dead Wood result variables now also include decay class distribution per species class.
  • All random seeds that were previously located in different control tables have been replaced with one single seed that you enter when you start a simulation.
  • The HeurekaAPI has several fixes.
  • Understorey cleaning introduced in version 2.11 has new default parameters: 500 instead of 800 stems/ha with diameter < 7 cm is enough to trigger an understorey cleaning before a thinning. Also, 200 instead of 500 stems/ha are kept as default. All understorey stems in strip roads are removed if understorey cleaning is conducted. No percentage of the proportion to remove is entered, instead the number of residual stems determine how many understorey trees that are removed.
  • The minimum thinning diameter was increased from 4 cm to 8 cm in version 2.11. This may lead to unintended thinnings from above in young stands, if no understorey cleaning is conducted. The minimum diameter has been increased to 7 cm. This is also the new diameter limit for understorey trees.

Updates for version 2.12

Version 2.12.1

The default pricelist file embedded in the installation was corrupt.

Version 2.12.2

Minor bug fixes.

Version 2.12.3

Bug fixes, including fix of import error introduced in 2.12.2

New result variables

The following result variables have been added.

Name Result Group Unit Comment
Fuelwood Volume
Financial Value m3fub/ha ...
Fuelwood Revenue
Financial Value revenue per ha ...
Log Cull Volume
Financial Value m3fub/ha ...
Log Cull Revenue
Financial Value revenue per ha ...
Land Use Data
Land Use Data New result group (RegWise only) with several new result variables
Decay Class per Species Dead Wood Data m3/ha Volume per decay class and species group (pine, spruce, other)

A detailed list of the assortment variables are described in a new Help section.

Bug fixes and other changes

Id Category Severity Summary Fixed_in_version Resolution Comment
0000243 TPG minor Takes verý long time to cancel TPG simulation 2.12.3 fixed
0000249 RegWise simulation major Application crashes when loading prediction units with treatment history 2.12.3 fixed
0000241 Project handling minor Cannot change selected ingrowth species 2.12.3 fixed
0000064 Optimization minor Error when adding StandObjectData.PropContorta etc to optimization model 2.12.3 fixed
0000242 Optimization major Cannot compile model with an incorrect Area Type 2.12.3 fixed
0000248 Optimization minor If objective function label is not "ObjFunc", then objective function value is not saved with optimization result 2.12.3 fixed
0000251 Data import major Incorrect column mappings when importing Stand Registers 2.12.3 fixed
0000245 Data import major Prompted for "Create NC-areas?" twice during same import 2.12.3 fixed
0000238 TPG major TPG Exception 2.12.2 fixed
0000239 TPG crash Fel i prislista med pristrend 2.12.2 fixed
0000236 Project handling minor When selecting entire areas, initial state will be calculated multiple times 2.12.2 fixed
0000235 Optimization minor Can not save CSV in optimization results column view 2.12.2 fixed
0000237 Data import major Värden mappas till fel kolumner 2.12.2 fixed
0000225 TPG major Exception and suspected error in NPV-calculation in tactical TPG 2.12.0 fixed Soil expectation value and terminal value were incorrectly calculated when the final felling treatment occurred in the period after the last planning period.
0000227 TPG major No harvest revenues are reported if a schedule includes biofuel thinning 2.12.0 fixed Error introduced in version 2.11. If young stand thinning type was set to "Biofuel thinning", then in subsequent thinning and final fellings, all roundwood was extracted as bio fuel instead of timber and pulpwood.
0000216 RegWise simulation minor "Show simulation report" that displays simulation settings is not available in RegWise 2.12.0 fixed
0000217 RegWise simulation major Even if all random seeds are set to fixed value, unexpected differences between simulation occur 2.12.0 fixed Even if all random seed were set to fixed values, two simulation results that weer expected to be identical were not. Reason was that for some function, the random seed could not be set to a fixed value.
0000234 RegWise simulation major Changing database will disable selection of inventory years 2.12.0 fixed
0000231 Project handling trivial Opening the database name combo box closes it immediatelly 2.12.0 fixed
0000218 Project handling major Application throws error message when double clicking project from Windows Explorer 2.12.0 fixed The project is now loaded AFTER the entire main form has finished loading
0000219 Project handling minor Loading previous databases locks the GUI 2.12.0 fixed When starting a new project and selecting databases, the loading of previously selected databases is performed on the GUI thread, locking the user interface. This could lead to a uynexpected program termination.
0000221 Project handling minor Random seeds in too many different locations 2.12.0 fixed Random seed is now configured in the Simulation dialog only. An additional random seed is added to RegWise for Control category assignment
0000222 Other feature New function: Allow tIme consumption to increase for harvesting operations in storm felled stands 2.12.0 open
0000215 Other minor Rerun simulations doesn't calculate alternatives for unmanaged treatment units 2.12.0 fixed (RegWise) When running the function "Rerun simulation" on a simulation that included both unmanaged and evenaged management programs, the unmanaged programs were not recreated.
0000224 Other minor Pricelist name changes are not saved 2.12.0 fixed
0000233 Other minor Program crashes if user lacks write permission on custom Common directory 2.12.0 fixed If the user had set a custom Common directory in the path settings and but had no write permission or was unable to write to this diretory for some other reason (for example disk removed), the program would crash and then attempt to write to that location again when restarting the program, etc.
0000229 Other minor Zips fails to be extracted 2.12.0 fixed Zip files can sometimes fail to extract, probably due to system culture settings.
0000230 Optimization trivial MissingValueSubstitute is redundant in optimization model 2.12.0 fixed For an optimization model parameter, there was a property called "Missing Value Substitute" which is redundant since the "Default value" takes care of missing values.
0000220 Optimization feature Incorrect solver finished message for some solvers 2.12.0 fixed LPSolve, and maybe others, will not return an "Infeasible" solver status when a solution could not be found. The resulting dialog showed a confusing error message.
0000232 General minor Path in Path Settings not used for some features 2.12.0 fixed If the used had entered a custom path, this path was not used for log files and DotSpatial plugin handling.
0000228 Forest Domain Builder minor Trying to cancel deletion of control category seemingly fails 2.12.0 fixed If you right-clicked a control category to delete it, but aborted the delete-operation by choosing Cancel, the control category apparently was removed anyway. But it was actually still there, if you reopened the project you could see it had not been deleted. The expected behaviour is of course that it should be visible after choosing Cancel which has no wbeen fixed.
0000223 Control categories minor ManagementSystem result sometimes lacks value 2.12.0 fixed The result variables AlternativeSummaryData.ManagementSystem and TreatmentData.ManagementSystem were missing values if the control category used did not contain a distinct Treatment Program Generator control table.
0000226 Control categories minor Reference error when loading multiple control tables of the same type from file 2.12.0 fixed Newly deserialized control tables will always be a new instance instead of a cached copy of a previous instance