Category:Control Tables

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For usage, see the Help Documentation, chapter Control Tables

Result groups

Control Table NameDescription
About Control Categories, Control Tables, and Forest Domains
ControlTable Climate Modelsettings for activating climate growth response and choosing climate scenario.
ControlTable Cost and Revenuesettings for how costs and revenues are calculated
ControlTable Dead woodsettings for dead wood calculations.
ControlTable Nature Conservationsettings related to taking consideration to nature conservation in managed stands
ControlTable Production Modelsettings that affect forest development, such as tree growth and mortality
ControlTable Recreationsettings that affect the calculation of the Recreation Index result variable
ControlTable Scenario SettingsThis control table is specific and essential for RegWise and contains settings for determining harvest levels in scenarios and priority functions for allocating activities to treatment units.
ControlTable Treatment Model
ControlTable Treatment Program Generatoravailable in PlanWise and StandWise and contains settings for how management programs are constructed
Dialogue Simulate / Generate Treatment Programs