Version 2.13/sv

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  • Version 2.13.0 contains bug fixes and improvements.
  • The time for building an optimization model in PlanWise has been reduced to about one third.

Optimization time reduced

The time for compiling an optimization problem has been reduced to about 35 % of what is was before. This has been accomplished by compiling the ZIMPL source code with a less extreme precision requirement than the ZIMPL-default. We now use double (16 digits) precision, which is more than enough for the kind of problems solved. For more info on the ZIMPL mathematical program language, see

Bug fixes and other changes

Id Category Severity Summary Fixed_in_version Resolution Comment
0000256 TPG major For some stands no tactical program are created if a strategic optimized plan is used as input 2.13.0 fixed For some treatment units, no tactical program were generated in the following specific case: A strategic optimization was used as starting point when running the Tactical Treatment Program Generator, and some treatments hade been assigned from user-imported treatment proposals. These were not recognized as plausible alternatives when running the tactical TPG. This has been fixed so the tactical TPG enforces a management schedule as close as possible to the one in the strategic solution.
0000267 TPG minor "Object reference" fel i TPG 2.13.0 fixed Already harvested or dead trees were in certain situations considered as candidates for harvest residue extraction, even though they had zero weight. This could lead to an internal referece error.
0000257 TPG major Volume function for larch returns negative value for trees with large diameter or height. Solution: Use pine function if dbh >50 2.13.0 fixed It has come to our attention that the volume function for larch (by Charles Carbonnier) is not applicable for trees with dbh larger than 50 cm, because after that the volume decreases with increasing diameter, due to the function's mathematical form. Volume may even be negativ when diameter approaches 70 cm. Until better functions are available, Brandels volume function for pine (in southern Sweden) is now used for larches with dbh > 50 cm.
0000268 TPG minor Generation in Result is always 0 2.13.0 fixed "B3" is an NFI maturity class that corresponds to R2. This error is very specific for simulations where NFI-data is used input data, and when the young stand B3-plot is located within an older stands.
0000269 TPG minor B3-plots are not regenerated when final felling in period 0 2.13.0 fixed B3-plots are not regenerated when final felling in period 0
0000244 TPG minor No stump harvest when changing control category between generations 2.13.0 fixed Extraction of harvest residues after final felling was controlled by the settings for the subsequent instead of the current generation. For example, if generation 1 and generation 2 had different settings for whether harvest residues should be extracted or not, then generation 2 was applied for all generations. This has now been fixed.
0000275 Project handling feature Remove prompt asking about where to save pricelist, when it's not needed 2.13.0 fixed Remove prompt asking about where to save pricelist, when it's not needed
0000277 Other feature Plugins can now have custom settings 2.13.0 fixed Plugins can now have custom settings
0000271 Other major Changed pulpwood max diameter is reset to default 2.13.0 fixed Changed pulpwood max diameter is reset to default
0000262 Optimization feature Allow copying of parameter of constant or formula type in optimization model 2.13.0 fixed In the optimization model explorer, you can now also copy a parameter of type "formula" and "single value".
0000272 Optimization tweak Optimization result and solver meta data mixed in the same output window 2.13.0 fixed Optimization result and solver meta data mixed in the same output window
0000263 Optimization trivial Optimization model syntax-highlight does not work if blank space is missing 2.13.0 fixed Optimization model syntax-highlight does not work if blank space is missing
0000255 General major (RegWise) Alternative summary and Treatment Data results not display in results table view 2.13.0 fixed (RegWise) Alternative summary and Treatment Data results not display in results table view
0000264 General feature Improve threading performance when calculating pricelists 2.13.0 fixed The bucking calculations ("precalculation of pricelists") has been made faster by using more of the available CPU-cores.
0000258 General minor Trees in StandWise remain selected for treatment after deselection if "stepping back in time"? 2.13.0 fixed Trees in StandWise remain selected for treatment after deselection if "stepping back in time"?
0000259 General minor Pasting values into timber pricelist puts 0 in last column 2.13.0 fixed Pasting values into timber pricelist puts 0 in last column
0000250 Data import major Simulated young stand completely different from input data 2.13.0 fixed The (optional) RegenerationSpecies column in an imported stand register file was not used properly when simulating a young stand, instead it was assumed pine or spruce (the site index species). This lead to that the main species in this case was set to pine instead of contorta.
0000276 Data import minor Can not simulate initial state for stands where Inventory year is lower than other historic treatments 2.13.0 fixed Can not simulate initial state for stands where Inventory year is lower than other historic treatments
0000260 Data import major Young stand simulated when an established stand was expected (due to error in stand register record) 2.13.0 fixed When importing a stand register without basal area, it will be assumed to be a young stand (sapling plot), even if the tree heights are far above the young stand phase. This may cause errors in the simulation. this has been fixed by raising a warning if the mean height is larger than 7 m but basal area is missing.
0000254 Control categories trivial "RetentionTime in Nature conservation was moved.." message is displayed although project has been updated 2.13.0 fixed Fixed
0000270 Control categories major Control table parameters not displayed in Simple View 2.13.0 fixed The simplified view did now work for control tables that contained parameters that are no longer in use.