Heureka - Change Log
Released 2017-11-10
- 0000135: [Data import] AnvÀndarspecificerade namn pÄ UserDefinedVariable1-10 (Linus)
- 0000157: [Report generator] Enable copy of charts from StandWise to Excel (Linus)
- 0000180: [Project handling] Cannot load imported StandWise project if the database is not found (Linus)
- 0000184: [Other] Initial State details table view empty after clicking Update-button when using FMPP-data (Linus)
- 0000181: [TPG] Tree retention fails in selection felling (Linus)
- 0000183: [TPG] No tree retention when performing selection felling as a treatment proposal (Linus)
- 0000182: [Forest Domain Builder] LandUse conditions in forest domain results in exception (Linus)
- 0000161: [Map] Save map settings between sessions (Linus)
- 0000179: [Other] Restart application (Linus)
- 0000168: [Map] Map info-window shows stand age instead of mean diameter (Peder)
- 0000176: [Optimization] Add solver status to message after solving model (Linus)
- 0000174: [Optimization] An optimization model item that is excluded should trigger a warning if it is included in an active definition (Peder)
- 0000169: [Optimization] Add support for Gurobi 7.5 and Mosek 8.1 (Peder)
- 0000167: [TPG] "Index was out of range" exception when applying treatment proposal in tactical TPG (Linus)
- 0000166: [Data import] All previous treatment proposals are removed when importing a new treatment proposal file (Linus)
- 0000171: [Project handling] Error when applying project template (Linus)
- 0000175: [Optimization] Induced optimization model invalidity not notified (Linus)
- 0000173: [Map] Added WMTS-map service not saved (Linus)
- 0000172: [Map] Error when adding WMTS map service (Linus)
- 0000164: [Map plugins] Must hit "Cancel" three times to cancel adding of web map (Linus)
- 0000177: [General] Exception after removing forest area in StandWise (Linus)
- 0000100: [Optimization] LP_Solve cannot be aborted (Linus)
22 issues View Issues