The Scenario Settings control table (previously Regional Framework) is only shown in RegWise and corresponds to the Treatment Program Generator control table in PlantWise. In the table, conditions for an impact assessment are set, e.g. how harvest levels will be calculated. The settings in the control table control and distribute treatments for the stands (or plots if you use NFI data as input data) that belong to the selected analysis area. In contrast to PlanWise, where a certain number of alternative management programs are generated for each stand, only one management program is created for each stand in RegWise.


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The Scenario Settings control table, as shown in Detailed view. It is used in RegWise for specifying general conditions for an impact analysis. A table must be created for each control category.


In the table, you can set (for example):

The Management System in the same way as in the Treatment Program Generator control table in PlanWise.
Harvest levels for final felling and thinning can either be calculated automatically or set directly for one or more periods. For periods where no harvest level has been set, it is calculated automatically.
Maximum allowable areas for different treatments, such as pre-commercial thinning and fertilization.
Priority functions, to select which stands are given a specified treatment in a particular period. For some priority functions different types can be selected. For example, it is possible to specify that Priority Function Final Felling will be based on volume growth percentage (slow growing stands to be harvested first), growth difference (not explained here…) or risk of wind throw.

See the Simulation of silvicultural treatments and harvesting chapter for explanations of how to define the following items in RegWise:

Regeneration: Selection of regeneration methods in RegWise
Cleaning: Control of cleaning areas in RegWise
Thinning: How to control the total thinning volume in RegWise
Final felling: How to control the final felling volume in RegWise
Selective cutting: How to control the occurrence of uneven-aged management in RegWise
Fertilisation: Control of fertilisation in RegWise

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