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Latest revision as of 14:32, 29 November 2023

Version 2.17



  • When a young contorta stand (height < 7 m) has been imported via the stand register importer, the regeneration species has been set to pine, which may have affected the minimum final felling allowed depending on control table settings. The same bug has affected all young stands with another main species than pine or spruce.
  • The habitat GIS-model is now returning an error message when there are overlapping polygons in the input data, which is of course not allowed.
  • When importing a stand register record with Layer-value 6, which denotes a tree layer with retention trees, the trees have been reclassified as seed trees, and thereby not retained as intended.
  • You can now report a bug directly from the application(s). If a run-time error occurs, a form will open and allow you to send a bug report.

Bug fixes and improvements

Id Category Severity Status Updated Summary
0000434 General major closed (Linus) 2021-05-26 ForestData.RegenerationSpecies is determined as spruce in a pine-dominated stand
0000435 General minor closed (Magnus) 2021-05-25 Sometimes no results for ForwarderCost and HarvesterCost
0000433 Control categories major closed (Peder) 2021-05-20 Thinning restrictions are ignored when using StemDensityThinningGuide
0000431 TPG minor closed (Magnus) 2021-04-29 Incorrect stems after cleaning when using Treatment Proposals
0000432 General minor closed (Linus) 2021-05-11 The previously selected treatment unit is not selected again when a project is opened in StandWise
0000430 General major closed (Linus) 2021-05-11 Cost calculator plugins does not retain values from their PluginSettings properties
0000419 Visualisation StandWise minor resolved (Linus) 2021-03-02 I visualiseringen visas avverkade träd som torrträd.
0000421 Project handling minor resolved (Linus) 2021-02-24 Height range for cleaning not loaded properly from saved projects
0000427 Other major resolved (Linus) 2021-04-06 Pricelist file handling does not work properly
0000426 Other minor resolved (Linus) 2021-03-24 Added pricelist is overwritten
0000422 Map minor resolved (Linus) 2021-03-02 Some result variables missing when exporting map data in optimization view
0000423 General minor resolved (Linus) 2021-04-08 No net present value for some treatment programs
0000418 General minor resolved (Linus) 2021-04-08 Null reference exception when simulation stands
0000424 General minor closed (Linus) 2021-03-11 User Submitted Report
0000404 TPG block resolved (Linus) 2020-12-01 TPG gets stuck in endless loop
0000411 Optimization major resolved (Linus) 2020-12-03 Optimization view map show the incorrect map
0000413 Optimization feature resolved (Peder) 2021-01-08 Add link to Gurobi 9.1
0000405 General minor resolved (Linus) 2020-12-17 Null reference exception when building optimization model
0000398 General minor resolved (Linus) 2021-01-08 Exception when using "Project to new start date"
0000406 General minor resolved 2020-12-17 Null reference exception when building optimization model
0000403 General minor resolved (Linus) 2020-11-26 User Submitted Report - Stand Neighbourhood
0000416 Data import minor resolved (Linus) 2021-01-13 Exception when projecting area with stand register column aliases
0000415 Data import minor resolved (Linus) 2021-01-08 Error projecting area after importing from Tree List importer
0000401 Control categories minor resolved (Magnus) 2020-12-15 Can rename Domain Setting object to same name as Control Category
0000399 Other minor resolved (Linus) 2020-11-12 Exported CSV files from result view have misaligned columns
0000381 Visualisation StandWise minor closed 2020-11-06 StandWise geometri i 3D
0000390 TPG block closed (Linus) 2020-11-06 TPG Exception when using "Breeding" and Fertilization
0000391 Other feature closed 2020-11-06 Bug reporting from error dialogs.
0000359 Other feature closed 2020-11-06 Habitatmodellerna fungerar inte
0000382 Growth / production major closed (Linus) 2020-11-06 Heureka sets RegenerationSpecies = Pine for a contorta stand
0000397 Growth / production minor closed (jonare) 2022-08-16 Breeding effect not considered when creating start state at 2 m height
0000387 General major closed 2020-11-06 habitatmodeller funkar inte (RegVis)
0000394 Data import minor closed (Linus) 2020-11-06 Can not import stand with both nature conservation and overstorey layer