Version 2.15

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Version 2.15



  • Fixed bugs that occurred when FMPP-data is used as input data.

  • "Conditional control tables" function released in version 2.14 had bugs, see below.

  • If you copied a control category, list parameters such as species-wise values were not copied correctly but remained pointing to the copied category, and vice versa. The error was unfortunately introduced in version 2.14 after some code refactorization.

  • Updated Forestand XML schema to version 2020.1.0 which is now supported when importing stand register data.

Bug fixes and other changes

Id Category Severity Summary Fixed_in_version Resolution Comment
0000318 TPG crash PlanWise crasches when running this FMPP-stand 2.15.2 fixed PlanWise crasches when running this FMPP-stand
0000319 General minor Diameter Class Cutting Data shows duplicate values for all treatments in a period 2.15.2 fixed Diameter Class Cutting Data shows duplicate values for all treatments in a period
0000317 Visualisation StandWise feature DirectX11 renderer for StandWise 2.15.1 fixed DirectX11 renderer for StandWise
0000315 TPG major Exception when running TPG for FMPP treatment unit 2.15.1 fixed Exception when running TPG for FMPP treatment unit
0000316 Report generator minor Report viewer shows no data for old simulations when 'Productive Area' is selected 2.15.1 fixed Report viewer shows no data for old simulations when 'Productive Area' is selected
0000307 Other minor When trying to remove a subnode analysis area, the entire area is removed 2.15.1 fixed When trying to remove a subnode analysis area, the entire area is removed
0000312 TPG minor Exception in Conditional Control Tables dialog 2.15.0 fixed Exception in Conditional Control Tables dialog
0000313 TPG trivial Place cursor on new row if "Add New" has been clicked in Conditional Control Tables 2.15.0 fixed Place cursor on new row if "Add New" has been clicked in Conditional Control Tables
0000305 TPG major NC-unit created during simulation has very different start state than parent stand 2.15.0 not a bug Happens because "Random" was used as "Plot Allocation Method" for creating retention patches (see control table Nature Conservation). This will only have effect when a treatment units is represented by multiple sample plots, but will lead to unpredictable results. "Random" is no longer a possible choice.
0000306 TPG major No treatment program generated for a certain FMPP-stand when Conditional Control Tables is used 2.15.0 fixed Bug
0000295 Other major Column TreatmentUnit.AdjustedAreaFactor shows wrong value in InitialState.Details table when using NFI-data 2.15.0 fixed Column TreatmentUnit.AdjustedAreaFactor shows wrong value in InitialState.Details table when using NFI-data
0000297 Other feature Updating optimization result list 2.15.0 fixed Updating optimization result list
0000310 Growth / production major DominantSpecies is broadleaf altough spruce is expected 2.15.0 fixed DominantSpecies is broadleaf altough spruce is expected
0000298 Forest Domain Builder major Forest Domain "Other" can be copied, which is not allowed 2.15.0 fixed Forest Domain "Other" can be copied, which is not allowed
0000299 Forest Domain Builder major Different Forest Domains, Domain Settings and Control Categories can have the same name, which should not be allowed 2.15.0 fixed Different Forest Domains, Domain Settings and Control Categories can have the same name, which should not be allowed
0000300 Forest Domain Builder major Display name linked Domain Settings not update for copied forest domain 2.15.0 open Display name linked Domain Settings not update for copied forest domain
0000301 Forest Domain Builder minor Two forest domains should not be allowed to be selected at the same time 2.15.0 fixed Two forest domains should not be allowed to be selected at the same time
0000314 Forest Domain Builder feature Cannot re-add control table in Conditional Control Tables dialog 2.15.0 fixed Cannot re-add control table in Conditional Control Tables dialog
0000308 Data import major Cleaning and regeneration proposal for FMMP-stand is ignored 2.15.0 fixed The regeneration and cleaning/tending proposals entered in an FMPP inventory have been imported correctly, but they have not been been applied. They are now always applied. In difference to treatment proposal that you can import and link to a stand register, FMPP regneration and cleaning proposals will be applied if even "Apply treatment proposals" is unselected.
0000309 Data import major Cannot enter species code for cleaning and planting treatment proposal 2.15.0 fixed User can now select species
0000304 Data import major Error when importing Forestand xml-file 2.15.0 fixed Error when importing Forestand xml-file
0000311 Control categories major Conditional control tables form looses data 2.15.0 fixed Conditional control tables form looses data
0000303 Control categories minor Cloning production model control table doesn't clone Sapling Damage Factors 2.15.0 fixed Cloning production model control table doesn't clone Sapling Damage Factors