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Use supplied template to create correct import file for standregister import.
Use supplied template to create correct import file for standregister import. Templates are available here:
[ftp://salix.slu.se/download/Heureka/ImportTemplates Import templates at SLU:s ftp-server]
Use the latest version, if possible.
===File specification===
===File specification===

Revision as of 12:21, 21 August 2014

The stand register import utility requires as input a semicolon separated file containing the fields specified in this document. The easiest way to produce such a file is to use the supplied template (found below). Use Excel to fill the template and save it as a semicolon separated .csv-file. Depending on settings in Excel, you may need to open the file in e.g. Notepad and find all commas and replace them with semicolons. Content of file, order of columns, valid values, etc. is described in the section "File specification" below.

NB: If other information, not covered by the specified variables, is available and of interest in the analyses (or in the inventory setup) such should be imported here, using the fields "UserDefinedVariable1-10". For example, interesting information could have been derived in preceding GIS-analyses (of stands coinciding with high nature value-areas, etc.).


See http://heurekaslu.org/help/index.html?importera_bestandsregister.htm for instructions in Swedish.

  1. Open an existing project or create a new one.
  2. From the top menu, select "Data Management > "Import" > "Import Stand Register".
  3. Click the "Browse"-button and select the .csv-file to be imported (see below).
  4. In the "Description" edit box, type a name for the stand register. If you will simulate tree data based on the stand register, this name will be used as the name for the analysis area (the root node).
  5. In some cases this import is done after importing other forest data, for example if you have imported FMPP-data. See below ( Link_to_existing_area ).


Supported encoding is ISO-8859-1 (Latin).


Use supplied template to create correct import file for standregister import. Templates are available here:

Import templates at SLU:s ftp-server

Use the latest version, if possible.

File specification

The fields 1-3 will be used for matching plots in the stand register to treatment units in the system. Therefore the combination of the fields 1, 2 and 3 has to be unique within a stand register.

Field 2, "StandId", will be used for matching the stands in the register to polygons in the forest map. Hence, keep this field unique.

Data in marked fields (*) are required if single tree-data should be simulated (with a Weibull-distribution, see below). Otherwise, null values (empty cells) are accepted (not the case for fields 1-3, insert one or more "0" if the value is to be null).

NB: Make sure that "Maturity Class" is correctly depicted, e.g. no overstorey data are allowed to describe a stand classified as K. The class R2 should be used with precaution (if treatment programs including cleaning should be generated, use class R1).

No Field Type (length) Valid values Description
1 MapId int (max 5 pos) Obsolete (but column must be included)
2 StandId string(25) Identity of stand (sv: Avdelning) Mandatory!
3 SubStandId int (max 1 pos) Obsolete (but column must be included)
4 AreaLevel2 string(50) Description for level two, to be used in any subdivision of the analysis area (for stratification purposes, etc.)
5 AreaLevel3 string(50) Description for level three, to be used in any subdivision of the analysis area (for stratification purposes, etc.)
6 Register int Register number
7 Definition:Region Int 1,3,4,5,21,22 Obsolote. Region according to NFI (sv: RIS)
1 = Lappland
3 = Gävleborg, Kopparberg excl. Särna-Idre, and Värmland
4 = Stockholm, Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanland, �?rebro, Skaraborg, �?lvsborg, Jönköping, Kronoberg, Kalmar, and �?stergötland
5 = Gotland, Blekinge, Kristianstad, Malmö, Halland, and Göteborg-Bohuslän
21 = Norrbotten coast, Västerbotten coast, Härjedalen commune, and Särna-Idre
22 = Jämtland excl. Härjedalen commune, and Västernorrland
8 Definition:CountyCode* Int 1-31 Follow link to see codes
9 Altitude* float Altitude (h.a.s., m)
10 Latitude* float 54-70 Latitude (° N, can be seen in the ClimateCode-map below). Mandatory only if no coordinates are given.
11 CoordEast double East coordinate, m (SWEREF99)
12 CoordNorth double North coordinate, m (SWEREF99)
13 DistanceToCoast* int km
14 Definition:ClimateCode Int 0-6 0 = Other
1 = M1 Maritime, West coast
2 = M2 Maritime, East coast
3 = M3 Maritime, Mountain range
4 = K1 Continental, Middle Sweden
5 = K2 Continental, Northern Sweden
6 = K3 Continental, Southern Sweden
15 SoilMoistureCode* Int 1-5 1 = Dry
2 = Mesic
3 = Mesic-moist
4 = Moist
5 = Wet
16 VegetationType* Int 1-18
17 SKSManagementClass char(2) Code (ex. NO) Type of management class according to "Skogsstyrelsens målklassning för Grön skogsbruksplan" ("Green Forest Management Plan")
NO = "Naturvård orörd": Environmental goals with undisturbed forest
NS = "Naturvård skötsel": Environmental goals with adapted management
PF = "Produktion förstärkt hänsyn": Production goals with reinforced considerations
PG = "Produktion generell hänsyn": Production goals with general environmental considerations
18 MaturityClass* char(2) Code (ex. K1) Maturity class (sv: Huggningsklass)
K1 = Kalmark som är obehandlad eller ofullständigt behandlad (åtgärder kvarstår). Bare land, no regeneration.
K2 = Kalmark under föryngring, behandlad med nödvändiga återväxtåtgärder (åtgärder utförda). Bare land, regeneration treatments have been done.
R1 = Röjningsskog. Plantskog, skog vars huvudträdslag har en medelhöjd som är lägre än 1.3 m. Young stand, mean height of main species < 1.3 m.
R2 = Röjningsskog. Ungskog, skog vars huvudträdslag har en medelhöjd som är 1.3 m eller högre. Young stand, mean height of main species >= 1.3 m.
G1 = Yngre gallringsskog, skog som är yngre än lägsta tillåtna ålder för föryngringsavverkning. Young stand ready for first thinning. Mean arithmetic height >= 6-7 m.
G2 = �?ldre gallringsskog, skog som snart uppnår lägsta ålder för föryngringsavverkning. Stand that will soon reach the minimum allowed final felling. Thinning can also be applied.
S1 = Skog som kan föryngringsavverkas. Yngre avverkningsbar skog som inte är att hänföra till S2. Stand that is eligible for final felling, minimum cutting age has been reached.
S2 = Skog som är mogen att föryngringsavverka. Skog som uppnått lämplig växttid eller som av andra skäl bör föryngringsavverkas. Stand that has reached its optimum MAI (Mean annual increment) and from a volume production maximization perspective should be clear cut.
S3 = Skog som är mogen att föryngringsavverka, men som inte bör föryngringsavverkas pga. naturvårdsskäl. Stand that can be clear cut, but should be avoided for some reason, for example nature conservation.
E1 = Restskog.
E2 = Gles skog eller skog av ett för marken olämpligt trädslag.
E3 = Hagmarkskog.
19 EvenAgedCode* int 1-3 1 = EvenAged
2 = MostlyEvenAged
3 = UnevenAged
*Here, not only reflecting the ages but also the stands' homogeneity regarding tree sizes (with impact on the diameter distribution, see below)
20 SoilBearingCapacity Int 1-5 (sv: Grundförhållanden i "GYL")
1 = Very good soil bearing. Normally soil is good for driving on during all year
2 = Good soil bearing. Normally soil is good for driving on during all year, with exception of while thowing in the ground and heavy autumn rains
3 = Medium good soil bearing. Be precautious during periods of high humidity in soil, especially in low terrain, heavy vehicles and many crossings
4 = Medium soil bearing. Reinforcement in soil is of great importance. When not frozen, the bearing is uncertain
5 = Very bad soil bearing. Vehicles are only to be used when soil is frozen
21 Surface int 1-5 (sv: Ytstruktur i "GYL")
1 = No surface boulders
2 = Few boulders
3 = Scattered boulders
4 = Frequent boulders
5 = Large boulders
22 Slope int 1-5 (sv: Lutning i "GYL")
1 = 0-10 %
2 = 10-20 %
3 = 20-33 %
4 = 33-50 %
5 = >50 %
23 InventoryYear* int Inventory year in format YYYY
24 OwnerType int 0-5 0 = Unknown
1 = State
2 = Ecclesiastical
3 = OtherPublic
4 = Corporation
5 = Private
25 SiteIndex* double Site index as detemined by site factors (H100 or H50 (for birch and P. contorta), m)
26 SiteIndexSpecies* int 1-2 Species for which SiteIndex refers to:
1 = Pine (or letter T)
2 = Spruce (or letter G)
3 = Birch (or letter B)
5 = Oak (or letters Ek)
6 = Beech (or letters Bok)
8 = P. contorta (or letter C)
NB: The system require SI-values for either pine (T) or spruce (G). Hence, site indices for P. contorta will be converted to a corresponding value for pine; site indices for birch, oak, and beech will be converted to a corresponding value for spruce.
27 TotalArea* double ha
28 ProdArea* double Productive area (ha)
29 ImpArea* double Impediment area (ha)
30 NCArea* double Nature conservation area (ha), i.e. area set aside from timber production
31 DGV double Mean diameter (basal area weighted, cm)
32 DG* double Quadratic mean diameter (cm) (sv: Grundytemedelstammens diameter, normalt något mindre än den grundytevägda medeldiametern)
33 H* double Mean height (basal area weighted, m)
34 MeanAge* double Mean tree total age (basal area weighted, years)
35 N* double Stem density (no of trees/ha, productive area)
36 G* float Basal area (m2/ha, productive area)
37 V double Volume (m3sk/ha, productive area)
38 VOverstoreyTree double Volume of overstorey trees (m3sk/ha)
39 CAI double Current annual volume increment (m3sk/ha, yr)
40 PropPine* float Proportion pine of basal area if mean height >7 m, otherwise prop. of stem density
41 PropSpruce* float
42 PropBirch* float
43 PropAspen* float
44 PropOak* float
45 PropBeech* float
46 PropDeciduous* float (sv: �?vrigt ädellöv)
47 PropContorta* float
48 PropBroadleaf* float (sv: �?vrigt triviallöv)
49 DGVPine float Mean diameter pine, (basal area weighted, cm)
50 DGVSpruce float
51 DGVBirch float
52 DGVAspen float
53 DGVOak float
54 DGVBeech float
55 DGVDeciduous float
56 DGVContorta float
57 DGVBroadleaf float
58 DGPine* float Quadratic mean diameter pine (cm)
59 DGSpruce* float
60 DGBirch* float
61 DGAspen* float
62 DGOak* float
63 DGBeech* float
64 DGDeciduous* float
65 DGContorta* float
66 DGBroadleaf* float
67 HPine* float Mean height pine (basal area weighted, m)
68 HSpruce* float
69 HBirch* float
70 HAspen* float
71 HOak* float
72 HBeech* float
73 HDeciduous* float
74 HContorta* float
75 HBroadleaf* float
76 TerrainTransportDistance int One way average terrain transport distance from centre of stand to nearest road (meters)
77 LastClearcutYear int Year when clearcut was last performed. Format YYYY
78 LastThinningYear int Year when thinning was last performed. Format YYYY
79 LastFertilizationYear int Year when fertilization was last performed. Format YYYY
80 LastRegenerationYear int Year when regeneration was last performed. Format YYYY
81 RegenerationMethod* int 0-2 0 = Natural regeneration
1 = Plantation
2 = Sowing
(Required if MaturityClass = K1)
82 RegenerationSpecies* int 1-9 Regeneration species (group code). Definition of species codes: Definition:SpeciesCode
(Required if MaturityClass = K1 and supposed to be replanted)
83 TreatmentProposal int 0 Use number codes: Definition:TreatmentCode
84 TreatmentDescription string(255) Extra information on TreatmentProposal
85 TreatmentPriority int 0-4 0 = Not available
1 = Within 5 years
2 = Within 5 to 10 years
3 = Within 10 to 15 years
4 = Beyond 15 years
86 Note string(max)
87 UserDefinedVariable1 int Open for user defined setting. If you change the column heading to another name, it will be available when selecting data and in tables views etc.
88 UserDefinedVariable2 int -"-
89 UserDefinedVariable3 int -"-
90 UserDefinedVariable4 int -"-
91 UserDefinedVariable5 int -"-
92 UserDefinedVariable6 real -"-
93 UserDefinedVariable7 real -"-
94 UserDefinedVariable8 real -"-
95 UserDefinedVariable9 real -"-
96 UserDefinedVariable10 real -"-

Link to existing area

An existing analysis area can be regarded as a forest holding, consisting of several forest estates. Each forest estate could have its own stand register, to be imported separately. Similar situations can occur, e.g., when a forest owner acquire additional forest land. Use the "Link to existing area..."-function, either at the same time as the stand register import or afterwards. Currently, there are two sub-levels available in an analysis area, fields called "AreaLevel2" and "AreaLevel3" in the stand register template. For example, these can be regarded as Part of my forest holding located in the forested mountain areas and Part of my forest holding located elsewhere, respectively.

Another situation is when supplementary information becomes available. Lets say that more stands should be added to already imported stands (belonging to the same area, e.g. due to an ongoing forest inventory). By linking, such completing of the stand register is no problem. Neither is there a problem if some stands have updated stand data (e.g., updated management classification). Linking and importing stands with identical identification (usually by the fields "MapId", "StandId", and "SubStandId") will replace these stands and leave all other stands of the area unaffected.

When linking new data to existing you need to specify a link, a valid "Attribute Key", found in the combo box. Use fields from the stand register and/or user defined constants.

Simulating single tree-data

A stand register usually includes, in each stand, average values and totals for several variables. However, models applied in the simulations of growth, treatments, etc. need initial forest state descriptions at the single tree-level. If not obtained in a forest inventory, e.g. according to Ivent, such data can be simulated. Other inventory methods, and other simulation techniques (e.g. sample plot imputation), are available. Remote sensing like airborne laser sensors may soon return (a sample of) single-tree data for large areas without great costs, but of great interest.

Single tree-data is randomly simulated using a set of parameter values given by the imported stand register. Moreover, the user define the size (in m2) and the number of plots (i.e. reference or prediction units) per stand to be simulated. Why simulate a sample of trees and not all trees of the stand? Acually, all trees are simulated, but only in the 2D-/3D-vizualisations in StandWise. In any other situation, a sample of single tree-data is the expected format describing the forests (saving both space and computational time). By using the tree species-wise mean diameter, mean height, total basal area (in m2/ha), and total number of stems per hectare, it is quite straightforward to distribute a total volume over a certain number of trees, of certain sizes. A Weibull probability density distribution is applied ([1]), actually distributing the trees' diameters (at breast height). The Weibull distribution share properties with many other distributions, like the exponential and the normal (the Gaussian). However, by using the scale parameter (approx. correponding to the tree species' DG) and the shape parameter, usually with a value of 1.5 - 5, a skewed distribution with a right-side tail is obtained. This corresponds fairly well to real forest stands and reflects the occurrence of some, but not many trees larger than the average tree of the stand. On the other side (the left-side), it is prohibited that a stand include trees with negative diameters. Which would have been unrealistic.

The shape parameter is of importance, including both the actual shape of the distribution and its scale. A scale parameter is known for "stretching/shrinking the width of the distribution". A stand register, unfortunately, seldom includes any information about the distribution of tree sizes. Any notes like "homogeneous" or "heterogeneous" should be taken into consideration. For the moment, this is done using the mandatory field "EvenAgedCode" in the stand register import. With a heterogeneous stand the user should here select "UnevenAged" to obtain a relatively wide diameter distribution, and vice versa. As you notice, this is not fully consistent - a stand with trees of same age might very well include both large and small trees (both dominating and supressed trees).