Version 2.21
Version 2.21
This is a large update to Heureka that has been long in the works. It introduces a range of useful features, quality-of-life changes, improved performance and of course, numerous bug fixes.
New Features
Monte Carlo simulations in RegWise
A Monte Carlo simulation is similar to a regular simulation, but the simulation is automatically repeated a user-defined number of times. The results of all simulations are stored in the database, and can be viewed as summary statistics per variable: mean, minimum and maximum value, standard deviation and confidence interval.
The purpose of the functionality is to test the effects of stochastic elements in the input conditions of a Heureka analysis: the input data and the different models that together are used to forecast forest development over time. Several models used in projecting forest development and assigning treatments can be run in stochastic mode: Mortality and Ingrowth in established forests, Height distribution and Damages in young forests, and the allocation of treatment units to control categories within a forest domain and jumps in priority order in action planning. There is currently no support for stochastic input data (e.g. forest data or timber prices).
For further details and instructions on how to use the functionality, consult the Heureka Help
Checkerboard Forestry in PlanWise
It is now possible to simulate a forest management system called Checkerboard felling (available from versions 2.18 in RegWise) also in PlanWise.
When simulating Checkerboard forestry, the treatment unit is split in a "white" and a "black" part, where the final felling of the white part is delayed until the regeneration/young forest of the black part has reached the specified mean height.
At present the white and black colors have no spatial extent, and no edge effects - neither (positive) on the white part nor (negative) on the black part - are considered in the simulation of Checkerboard forestry.
For further details and instructions, please consult the Heureka Help
Adjustment Factors per Species and Period
The settings Growth Factor and Mortality Factor Established Forest have been moved into a new control table setting called Growth and Mortality Adjustment Factors, in the Production Model control table. A factor for height growth has also been added.
Growth and mortality adjustment factors (in established forest) are set per period and species' group. If data entry for a period is missing, closest previous period's value will be used. If data entry for a species is missing the user specified default value is used.
These factors are only intended for sensitivity analyses and research.
Shrub Cover Models
Three new result variables have been added: Bilberry-, Heather- and Cowberry-cover. These can be found in the result group Non-wood ecosystem services.
There are two available models for calculating Bilberry- and Cowberry-cover. These can be changed in the control table Recreation.
Please note that the Hedwall models can only be used with a database containing data for inventoried cover for respective species and the carbon:nitrogen-ratio in the humus layer.
Environmental Goal Indicators
Four new result variables useful for assessing the fulfilment of the national environmental goal Levande skogar have been added to the result category Structural Diversity, with conditions to be classified as such as follows:
- Deadwood-rich forest: 20 m3 of dead wood with a diameter of at least 20 cm.
- Forest with 60+ large tree: At least 60 large trees per hectare. At least 45 cm in diameter for conifers, beech and oak. At least 35 cm in diameter for other species.
- Mature broadleaf-rich forest: Forest that older than 80 years in boreal regions or 60 years in boreonemoral and nemoral regions, and at least 25 % of the basal area is broadleaf.
- Old forest: Forest older than 140 years in boreal regions or 120 years in Boreonemoral and nemoral regions.
There is a premade report called Miljöförhållanden for displaying the environmental goal indicators. Download it by clicking the Download Templates-button. It can then be found in category 6. Naturvård.
Other Changes
- Updated application suite to .NET Framework 4.8
- Changed name of control table Soil Model to Carbon
- Changed name of result group Recreation to Non-wood ecosystem services, including also the shrub cover model results
- Changed name of result group Harvested Wood Products to Carbon in Harvested Wood Products
- Added settings for Harvested Wood Products to the Carbon control table
- Time between thinning and final felling is now specified in years instead of periods, in the Treatment Program Generator control table
- Faster loading of map control in initial state
- Simplified import format for optimization results (the old format is still supported)
- Birch added as its own category in the Dead Wood result group
- User can now specify a fraction of cut stems to leave in forest as dead wood after a final felling treatment in the Treatment Model control table
Bug Fixes
- RotationAgeFactor was not considered when calculating initial state
- Register Tree Data had a faulty plot type check
- Possible incorrect wait time between thinnings and other treatments in tactical TPG
- Tree List Importer didn't show an error when the mandatory column InventoryYear was missing
- Mortality was sometimes over- or underestimated in RegWise
- Wrong decay class assigned to dead trees in IPAK importer
- NPV incorrectly calculated in the optimization summary (not in the actual results)
- StandWise: Overstorey trees that were previously removed would return when backing to period 0, and never be removed again
- Fixed error when cleaning period overlapped final felling period in TPG
- Fixed error when importing optimization model item
- Fixed crash when calculating cliques and clusters
- Forwarder cost could be calculated to a negative value in very harsh conditions
- After treatment proposals were applied, the control category for the first generation was always used even if a final felling was performed
Details from bugtracker
Id | Category | Severity | Summary | Fixed_in_version | Resolution | Comment |
0000572 | TPG | major | Inget skötselprogram skapat | 2.21.0 | fixed | Inget skötselprogram skapat |
0000564 | TPG | minor | Tactical TPG: Inconsistent behaviour in time between thinnings and other treatments | 2.21.0 | fixed | Tactical TPG: Inconsistent behaviour in time between thinnings and other treatments |
0000579 | Other | crash | Fel vid beräkning av klickar och avverkningskluster | 2.21.0 | fixed | Fel vid beräkning av klickar och avverkningskluster |
0000571 | Optimization | minor | Error when importing model item | 2.21.0 | fixed | Error when importing model item |
0000565 | Optimization | minor | Selecting a parameter with a removed resultproperty throws exception | 2.21.0 | fixed | Selecting a parameter with a removed resultproperty throws exception |
0000574 | Optimization | minor | Fel NPV i optimeringsinfo för alternativet MaxNPV | 2.21.0 | fixed | Fel NPV i optimeringsinfo för alternativet MaxNPV |
0000567 | Optimization | minor | Small error in the Optimization wizard | 2.21.0 | fixed | Small error in the Optimization wizard |
0000566 | Map plugins | trivial | Buffer Dialog returns error in some cases | 2.21.0 | fixed | Buffer Dialog returns error in some cases |
0000584 | Growth / production | minor | Mindre fel i beräkning av SIS för tall på torvmark i norra Sverige | 2.21.0 | fixed | Mindre fel i beräkning av SIS för tall på torvmark i norra Sverige |
0000577 | Growth / production | minor | Breeding effect remains after resetting treatment unit in StandWise | 2.21.0 | fixed | Breeding effect remains after resetting treatment unit in StandWise |
0000578 | Growth / production | minor | Overstorey Remover for initial regeneration is removed when backing to period 0 | 2.21.0 | fixed | Overstorey Remover for initial regeneration is removed when backing to period 0 |
0000580 | General | minor | Negative Forwarder Cost | 2.21.0 | fixed | Negative Forwarder Cost |
0000581 | General | minor | Fuel wood not collected from natural mortality | 2.21.0 | fixed | Fuel wood not collected from natural mortality |
0000563 | General | minor | Simulation of treelist fails in Register Tree Data | 2.21.0 | fixed | Simulation of treelist fails in Register Tree Data |
0000573 | General | major | Mortality calculation sometimes biased towards too few or too many stems | 2.21.0 | fixed | Mortality calculation sometimes biased towards too few or too many stems |
0000583 | General | minor | Treatment proposals: TPG may switch over to control category 1 | 2.21.0 | fixed | Treatment proposals: TPG may switch over to control category 1 |
0000576 | General | minor | IPAK import: Dead trees assigned to wrong decay class | 2.21.0 | fixed | IPAK import: Dead trees assigned to wrong decay class |
0000569 | Data import | minor | Treelist importer ignoring missing InventoryYear | 2.21.0 | fixed | Treelist importer ignoring missing InventoryYear |
0000561 | Data import | trivial | Fel rubrik på fråga "create units for retention patches" vid import av beståndsregister direkt vid skapandet av ett nytt projekt | 2.21.0 | fixed | Fel rubrik på fråga "create units for retention patches" vid import av beståndsregister direkt vid skapandet av ett nytt projekt |
0000585 | Data import | minor | Plots created in Register Tree Data does not get assigned distanceToCoast. | 2.21.0 | fixed | Plots created in Register Tree Data does not get assigned distanceToCoast. |
0000560 | Control categories | minor | RotationAgeAdjustFactor is not considered when calculating initial state | 2.21.0 | fixed | RotationAgeAdjustFactor is not considered when calculating initial state |
0000568 | Control categories | feature | Feature: Add settings for Harvested Wood Products | 2.21.0 | fixed | Feature: Add settings for Harvested Wood Products |