Version 2.18/sv

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Version 2.18



  • Kan nu lämna kvar andel av gallrade träd i skogen som död ved
  • Nya resultatvariabler för död ved >= 20 cm
  • Nya skötselsystem i RegVis: Schackrutehuggning och Naturvårdande skötsel
  • Ny resultattyp: Disturbance Risk
  • Simulering av ingående kolförråd i förna
  • Simulering av markkol i torvmark
  • Förbättrad beräkning av förädlingseffekt
  • Utökade användardefinierade resultatvariabler med möjlighet att ange max diameter och ålder
  • Flera buggfixar rörande taktisk simulering

New Features

Lämna andel av gallrade träd i skogen som död ved

Användaren ges möjlighet att låta träd ligga kvar i skogen efter gallring, till exempel efter en gallring i naturvårdande syfte. Anges som en andel av totala antalet gallrade stammar som ska ligga kvar som liggande död ved efter gallringen. (Default 0%)

Nya resultatvariabler för död ved 20 cm eller grövre

Nya resultatvariabler finns tillgängliga för att visa hur mycket död ved med en diameter över 20 cm som finns av den totala mängden död ved. Initialvolymen för andelen död ved över 20 cm (av total mängd död ved) utgår utifrån data från Riksskogstaxeringen: 50 % i Norra Norrland, 60 % i resten av landet, och 70 % i naturreservat (hela landet).

Markkol i torvmark

Nu simuleras hur markkolförrådet i torvmarker förändras med hjälp av emissionsfaktorer. På dikad torvmark minskar markkolförrådet över tid, medan det antas vara konstant i odikade torvmarker.

Initialvärdet för markkol i torvmark är baserat på markkolsinventering. Tidigare simulerades markkol i torvmark med Q-modellen, vilket kunde ge felaktiga resultat eftersom Q-modellen bara är lämplig för mineraljord.

Inställningar för denna funktion görs i kontrolltabellen "Soil Model"

Bug Fixes

Project imported data set to new start date (Beta)

Heureka now has a function (Beta version) for projecting the state of an imported data set, from the inventory date specified for each stand, to a desired start date for a new analysis. The program then creates a new area and the old data is not affected. In the projection, the program asks if you want to include treatments that have been carried out since the inventory. See the help documentation for more information: English Swedish

Conditional control tables - direct linking of control tables to stands

"Conditional control tables" is a way to link specific control tables to stands, and takes precedence over the links created via forest domains and control categories. The feature is particularly useful if you have many different geographical regions in an analysis area, for example price regions, and can help keep the number of forest domains and control categories down to a minimum. See the help documentation for more information: English Swedish

New result variable for total dead wood volume

To get total dead wood volume, you must sum volumes over decay classes manually, which prevents making graphs and tables that shows the total volume of dead wood. Therefore, a new result variable called "Volume Deadwood All Decay Classes to Include" has been added. You can select what decay classes that should be included in this variable in the Dead Wood control table. For example, you may prefer to exclude the classes with almost completely decayed wood. All decay classes are included by default.

PlanWise: Let non-fertilization alternatives be generated automatically

A new setting in the Treatment Program Generator control table called "Also Generate Programs without Fertilization" simplifies things if you want create treatment programs both with and without fertilization. If the parameter is set to true, you do not need to add a separate control category to generate non-fertilized alternatives, they will be generated anyway.
You can read more about this new feature here: Fertilization in PlanWise

Explicit dates saved

In previous versions only the inventory year has been saved in the database when importing data, but now on the explicit date is kept (if available). The column name "InventoryYear" in the stand register is renamed to "Date" (although "InventoryYear" can still be used as column name).

Multiple TPG-simulation can be included in the same optimization model

When solving an optimization problem, multiple TPG-simulation results can now be selected as input data. A condition is that no two TPG-simulations contains the same treatment unit, and an error message will be displayed of that criteria is violated.

Bug fixes and other changes

Id Category Severity Summary Fixed_in_version Resolution Comment
0000451 TPG major TPG generates invalid uneven-aged programs when fertilization policy is active for even-aged management 2.18.0 fixed TPG generates invalid uneven-aged programs when fertilization policy is active for even-aged management
0000460 TPG minor Tactical TPG generates empty programs with incorrect period lengths 2.18.0 fixed Tactical TPG generates empty programs with incorrect period lengths
0000452 TPG minor Biofuel extraction in CCF management is not vorking properly 2.18.0 fixed Biofuel extraction in CCF management is not vorking properly
0000462 TPG minor Seed trees removed too early in tactical TPG 2.18.0 fixed Seed trees removed too early in tactical TPG
0000467 Report generator minor Varningsruta för "efter-värden i rapportbyggaren" 2.18.0 fixed Varningsruta för "efter-värden i rapportbyggaren"
0000458 RegWise simulation minor No fertilizations performed despite control table settings 2.18.0 fixed No fertilizations performed despite control table settings
0000455 Optimization minor Cannot open "Import Optimization" interface 2.18.0 fixed Cannot open "Import Optimization" interface
0000453 Optimization major False message that feasible solution is not found when solving optimization problem with SCIP 2.18.0 fixed False message that feasible solution is not found when solving optimization problem with SCIP
0000454 Optimization minor Malloc error when building optimization models with cliques and clusters 2.18.0 fixed Malloc error when building optimization models with cliques and clusters
0000465 Map minor Result map show wrong stand age in TreatmentUnitInfo window for tactical TPG result 2.18.0 fixed Result map show wrong stand age in TreatmentUnitInfo window for tactical TPG result
0000456 Growth / production major Treatment unit volume is negative when there is also a layer of type 6 2.18.0 fixed Treatment unit volume is negative when there is also a layer of type 6
0000459 General minor Mean Volume Productive Area incorrectly calculated in initial state 2.18.0 fixed Mean Volume Productive Area incorrectly calculated in initial state
0000461 General minor Index out of range with additional decomposition in tactical 2.18.0 fixed Index out of range with additional decomposition in tactical
0000471 Forest Domain Builder major Error when using dynamically assigned control categories 2.18.0 fixed Error when using dynamically assigned control categories
0000472 Forest Domain Builder major Simulation crashes when a control category is dynamically assigned 0% of stands in period 0 2.18.0 fixed Simulation crashes when a control category is dynamically assigned 0% of stands in period 0
0000457 Data import major Linking stand register data to existing stands won't insert rows 2.18.0 fixed Linking stand register data to existing stands won't insert rows
0000468 Control categories major Importing a cost and revenue control table from PlanWise into StandWise removes all control tables 2.18.0 fixed Importing a cost and revenue control table from PlanWise into StandWise removes all control tables