| | | 0000506 | | |
| major | | 2022-08-02 | In optimization map view, changing the currently viewed result resets all map classes/legends |
| | | 0000515 | 1 | |
| minor | | 2022-08-02 | Volume from removal of overstorey is not included when calculating target final felling volume in RegWise |
| | | 0000514 | | |
| feature | | 2022-08-02 | New result variables: Volume Harvested |
| | | 0000513 | 1 | |
| minor | | 2022-08-02 | High sapling moose damage will sometimes cause the simulation to stall |
| | | 0000508 | 2 | |
| major | | 2022-08-02 | Creating dead wood from dead trees gives wrong results |
| | | 0000512 | 1 | |
| minor | | 2022-06-27 | "Other area" is not reset when selection changes |
| | | 0000501 | 2 | 1 |
| major | | 2022-06-27 | Framskrivning av Ipak-data ger negativ tillväxt |
| | | 0000505 | 1 | 1 |
| trivial | | 2022-06-22 | Results Types column sort is inconsistent |
| | | 0000510 | | |
| major | | 2022-06-22 | Map properties disappear when optimization is changed |
| | | 0000509 | 1 | |
| minor | | 2022-06-21 | Wind throw proportion, mortality volume and biomass incorrectly calculated |
| | | 0000507 | | |
| minor | | 2022-06-21 | Null-rader vid export av kartfil |
| | | 0000504 | 1 | |
| minor | | 2022-06-16 | Areas projected to a future date are lacking some data fields present in the original data |
| | | 0000503 | | |
| feature | | 2022-06-16 | New feature: Import data from harvester simulator |
| | | 0000502 | 1 | |
| minor | | 2022-06-15 | Simulation results are incorrectly sorted in RegWise table view |
| | | 0000498 | | |
| feature | | 2022-06-14 | Beräkning av kolpoolsförändringar i skogsprodukter (Harvested Wood Products (HWP)) i Heureka |
| | | 0000497 | | |
| major | | 2022-06-13 | Bugg when calculating "Biomass Total Extracted Above Ground" and "Biomass Total Extracted incl Stumps and Roots" |
| | | 0000493 | 2 | 1 |
| minor | | 2022-06-10 | User submitted report - No feasible solution with LPSolve |
| | | 0000496 | | |
| feature | | 2022-06-10 | Homogenisera rapportmallarna vad gäller överståndare. |
| | | 0000477 | | |
| major | | 2022-06-09 | Fel vid generering av rumsligt explicita hänsynsytor som ska skötas "indpendent" i förhållande till "parent stand". |
| | | 0000482 | | 1 |
| minor | | 2022-06-08 | Inforuta polygonareal vid import av åtgärdsförslag |
| | | 0000486 | | |
| minor | | 2022-06-08 | Risk för namnkonflikter när man exporterar kartor |
| | | 0000492 | | |
| feature | | 2022-06-08 | Feature request: Select multiple domains to display in Initial state |
| | | 0000494 | | |
| minor | | 2022-06-08 | Failure to group optimization results correctly |
| | | 0000491 | 1 | |
| minor | | 2022-05-31 | Incorrect property selected in forest domain condition builder |
| | | 0000488 | 1 | 1 |
| major | | 2022-05-31 | Standwise NPV calculation fails |
| | | 0000485 | 1 | 1 |
| major | | 2022-05-30 | Inventory date in stand register file is ingored |
| | | 0000483 | | |
| minor | | 2022-05-17 | Import of external optimization results treats csv:s with comma as decimal sign wrong |
| | | 0000484 | 1 | |
| minor | | 2022-04-25 | Negative Gross growth |
| | | 0000480 | 1 | |
| minor | | 2022-04-14 | Error generating tactical treatment programs after initial regeneration |
| | | 0000479 | 1 | |
| minor | | 2022-04-11 | Sapling damage from initial regeneration causes unexpected behaviour |
| | | 0000478 | 1 | |
| major | | 2022-03-28 | Total Carbon stock and nitrogen not calculated on peat land |
| | | 0000476 | | |
| minor | | 2022-03-17 | Even-Aged class in Structural Diversity is never calculated to EvenAged for established stands, only MostlyEvenAged |
| | | 0000474 | 1 | |
| minor | | 2022-03-17 | Can not use "Report issue" when an exception occurs. 404 error |
| | | 0000473 | 1 | |
| minor | | 2022-03-17 | Error when opening a project and attempting to update result database |
| | | 0000475 | | |
| minor | | 2022-03-17 | Incorrect coefficient for Spruce Bark Beetle damage risk |
| | | 0000472 | 1 | |
| major | | 2022-03-10 | Simulation crashes when a control category is dynamically assigned 0% of stands in period 0 |
| | | 0000471 | 1 | |
| major | | 2022-02-28 | Error when using dynamically assigned control categories |
| | | 0000468 | 1 | |
| major | | 2022-02-23 | Importing a cost and revenue control table from PlanWise into StandWise removes all control tables |
| | | 0000462 | 1 | |
| minor | | 2022-02-22 | Seed trees removed too early in tactical TPG |
| | | 0000463 | 2 | 2 |
| block | | 2022-02-22 | Periods not handled correctly in tactical TPG |
| | | 0000465 | 1 | |
| minor | | 2022-02-22 | Result map show wrong stand age in TreatmentUnitInfo window for tactical TPG result |
| | | 0000464 | 1 | 2 |
| major | | 2022-02-21 | Heureka fails to discover some polygon adjacencies |
| | | 0000469 | 2 | |
| major | | 2022-02-21 | Different harvest cost i test version of StandWise and PlanWise |
| | | 0000467 | 1 | 1 |
| minor | resolved (Thomas) | 2022-02-01 | Varningsruta för "efter-värden i rapportbyggaren" |
| | | 0000461 | 1 | |
| minor | | 2021-12-14 | Index out of range with additional decomposition in tactical |
| | | 0000460 | 1 | |
| minor | | 2021-12-07 | Tactical TPG generates empty programs with incorrect period lengths |
| | | 0000458 | 1 | |
| minor | | 2021-11-29 | No fertilizations performed despite control table settings |
| | | 0000452 | 1 | |
| minor | | 2021-11-29 | Biofuel extraction in CCF management is not vorking properly |
| | | 0000453 | 2 | |
| major | | 2021-11-29 | False message that feasible solution is not found when solving optimization problem with SCIP |
| | | 0000459 | 1 | |
| minor | | 2021-11-29 | Mean Volume Productive Area incorrectly calculated in initial state |