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Altitude(m)Height above sea level
Area types
ClimateCodeClimate code according to the Swedish NFI-classification (KLIMAT)
CountyCodeCounty code according to Swedish NFI (DLANSKOD)
Dominant Height
Dominant Species
IpakReg (Obsolete)
Land Use
Net present value
SiteIndexH (SIH)

Bug fixes version 2.7.0

Id Category Status Fixed_in_version Updated Summary
0000105 Other closed (Peder) 2.7.0 2017-09-05 The OK-button appears/disappears when changing the size of the Select Results dialog
0000104 TPG closed (Linus) 2.7.0 2017-09-05 TPG Error for treatment unit 343024: Invalid growth of height value, must be >= 0
0000106 Other closed (Peder) 2.7.0 2017-09-05 Shallow copy of SpeciesCollection instead of deep clone
0000107 TPG closed (Peder) 2.7.0 2017-09-05 Exception when running "Rerun simulation"
0000096 RegWise simulation closed (Peder) 2.7.0 2017-09-05 Exception when simulating AreaExtentForestFuelThinning = 100%
0000112 Map plugins closed (Linus) 2.7.0 2017-09-05 Webmap plugin not working
0000097 Optimization closed (Linus) 2.7.0 2017-09-05 Do not allow deletion of MaxNPV-default solution
0000099 Optimization closed (Linus) 2.7.0 2017-09-05 Do not remove the possibility to solve an already built optimization problem
0000108 TPG closed (Linus) 2.7.0 2017-09-05 Result variable DgHarvest per species deselected
0000113 Map closed (Linus) 2.7.0 2017-09-05 Polygon becomes invalid after import
0000110 Map closed (Linus) 2.7.0 2017-09-05 Fix field names when exporting map
0000102 Other closed (Linus) 2.7.0 2017-09-05 Remove common border length pairs
0000111 Map closed (Peder) 2.7.0 2017-04-21 Include projection when exporting map

Bug fixes version 2.6.0

Id Category Status Fixed_in_version Updated Summary
0000092 Map closed (Linus) 2.6.1 2017-09-05 Label transparency not working
0000094 TPG closed (Linus) 2.6.1 2017-09-05 Tactial TPG does not give expected treatment schedule
0000101 Other closed (pst) 2.6.1 2017-09-05 Database error when calculating common border length for very large dataset
0000075 Growth / production closed (Linus) 2.6.0 2017-01-16 Harvest residues extracted in RegWise altough allowed area is zero
0000071 Data import closed (Peder) 2.6.0 2017-01-16 Exception when calculating simulating trees when using Norwegian models
0000076 Growth / production closed (Peder) 2.6.0 2017-01-16 Usage of control table parameter AreaExtentStump is not implemented
0000077 Forest Domain Builder closed (Peder) 2.6.0 2017-01-16 Treatment unit assigned to control category that have TargetArea = 0%
0000069 General closed (Peder) 2.6.0 2017-01-16 Application crashes when trying to add price trende for same treatment twice
0000051 Data import closed (Linus) 2.6.0 2017-01-16 Linking imported stand register fails
0000053 Map closed (Linus) 2.6.0 2017-01-16 When using map pan tool the theme layer is removed
0000066 Growth / production closed (Peder) 2.6.0 2017-01-16 Foliage should be subtracted from branch biomass in Marklund's biomass model
0000078 TPG closed (Linus) 2.6.0 2017-01-16 No NC-set aside for EdgeZone stand that should be managed as independent stand
0000060 TPG closed (Linus) 2.6.0 2017-01-16 Treatment result indicates cleaning although no cleaning has been done
0000068 Forest Domain Builder closed (Peder) 2.6.0 2017-01-16 RegWise crashes when deleting a cell value in kolumn TargetArea in Control Category Connections.
0000072 Data import closed (Linus) 2.6.0 2017-01-16 Decimal value accepted as VegetationTypeCode
0000065 Data import closed (Linus) 2.6.0 2017-01-16 No stand registers are listed in form Simulate Tree Lists
0000058 Map closed (Linus) 2.6.0 2017-01-16 Map extent jumps sideways when changing map projection first time
0000052 Map closed (Linus) 2.6.0 2017-01-16 Heureka thematic map
0000057 Map closed (Linus) 2.6.0 2017-01-16 Map error when showing thematic map after changing projection
0000079 TPG closed (Linus) 2.6.0 2017-01-16 No breeding effekt for initial regeneration
0000084 Map closed (pst) 2.6.0 2017-01-16 Result map zooms out when changing period

All bug fixes

Id Category Status Fixed_in_version Updated Summary
0000704 TPG resolved (jonare) 2.22.1 2024-09-09 Wrong species selected as regeneration species
0000702 TPG resolved (jonare) 2024-08-28 NPV:s not always calculated correctly in tactical TPG
0000668 TPG resolved (jonare) 2.22.1 2024-08-28 Net Present Value is miscalculated if there is a thinning in the last period
0000499 Report generator closed (Magnus) 2024-08-15 Uppdatera resultatvariabler för Biofuel under Financial Value
0000699 TPG resolved (jonare) 2.22.1 2024-06-19 Dependent retention patches do not have the same treatment as parent areas
0000698 Data import resolved (jonare) 2.22.1 2024-06-11 Add management class K
0000697 Map plugins resolved (jonare) 2.22.1 2024-06-11 Feature: New map plugin Select Intersecting Polygons
0000682 General resolved (jonare) 2.22.1 2024-06-04 Import error throws application error
0000695 TPG resolved (jonare) 2.22.1 2024-05-31 CAI Net differs from expected value in periods following treatments with harvest
0000696 TPG resolved (jonare) 2.22.1 2024-05-31 Management System not set to CheckerBoard in Alternative Summary
0000692 TPG closed (jonare) 2024-05-20 Result variable Thinning Intensity does not include understorey cleaning
0000693 TPG resolved (jonare) 2.22.1 2024-05-20 Very small differences in financial values between TPG and Rerun Simulation
0000694 TPG resolved (jonare) 2.22.1 2024-05-20 Treatment proposals: If Thinning intensity/grade is not set the default value of 0.35 is used
0000685 TPG resolved (jonare) 2.22.1 2024-05-14 Very small differences in financial values between TPG and Rerun Simulation
0000681 General resolved (jonare) 2.22.1 2024-05-10 SQL Timeout when generating treelists for very large stand registers
0000680 TPG resolved (jonare) 2.22.1 2024-05-10 Rerun simulation fails to load alternatives
0000686 TPG resolved (jonare) 2.22.1 2024-05-10 Stands with historic regeneration are regenerated in period 0
0000687 TPG resolved (jonare) 2.22.1 2024-05-10 Stands with historic regeneration are reset when Treatment Proposals are present
0000688 TPG resolved (jonare) 2.22.1 2024-05-10 Historic regenerations are ignored by treatmentproposals
0000684 TPG resolved (jonare) 2.22.1 2024-05-02 Very small differences in financial values between TPG and Rerun Simulation
0000678 Control categories resolved (jonare) 2.22.1 2024-04-04 Add a control category's number as a browsable property
0000656 General resolved (jonare) 2.22.1 2024-04-03 Occasionally news items will not load on the start page
0000677 Optimization resolved (jonare) 2.22.1 2024-04-03 Loading and saving old models with removed ResultProperty fails
0000674 Forest Domain Builder resolved (jonare) 2.22.1 2024-03-28 Add "Contains" and "BeginsWith" conditionals in domain builder
0000673 TPG resolved (jonare) 2.22.1 2024-03-25 Stochastic mortality does not calculate mortality per stem
0000672 Map resolved (jonare) 2.22.1 2024-03-20 Heureka cannot import point geometries.
0000671 TPG resolved (jonare) 2.22.1 2024-03-12 Spin-up for initial soil carbon use wrong species in some cases
0000665 TPG resolved (cilwan) 2.22.1 2024-03-11 Tactial TPG generates treatments even though cc == unmanaged
0000667 TPG resolved (jonare) 2.22.1 2024-02-27 Tactical TPG uses enforced thinnings for second thinnings
0000666 TPG resolved (jonare) 2.22.1 2024-02-27 Sometimes the tactical TPG fails to generate expected programs
0000663 TPG resolved (cilwan) 2.22.1 2024-02-27 Tactical TPG includes TUs that will not be felled or thinned
0000649 TPG resolved (cilwan) 2.22.1 2024-02-26 No unmanaged program in Tactical TPG
0000664 TPG resolved (cilwan) 2.22.1 2024-02-26 Height settings in Control table ignored in tactical TPG
0000652 General resolved (cilwan) 2.22.1 2024-02-12 "Copy table" does not copy the full table
0000655 General resolved (cilwan) 2.22.1 2024-02-12 Mean "Bonitet" displayed in initial state is incorrectly labeled as m3sk/ha
0000662 Project handling resolved (jonare) 2.22.1 2024-02-08 Error is thrown when displaying initial state if project has a missing in-database
0000658 General closed (cilwan) 2024-01-30 Forest domains are ignored in tactical TPG
0000653 TPG closed 2024-01-30 Forest domains settings ignored in tactical TPG
0000657 General closed (cilwan) 2024-01-29 Low average height in old stand
0000420 Data import closed (jonare) 2024-01-26 Save import settings
0000654 Optimization resolved (jonare) 2.22.0 2024-01-19 Support for Gurobi 11.0
0000651 TPG resolved (Linus) 2.22.0 2023-12-20 Duplicate programs when fertilizationless is enabled
0000650 General resolved (Linus) 2.22.0 2023-12-14 Faster loading of large forest databases
0000612 Growth / production resolved (Linus) 2.22.0 2023-12-07 Incorrect relative age
0000648 Growth / production resolved (Linus) 2.22.0 2023-12-05 Dead Wood Decay class 4 retains dead wood under density threshold
0000647 Map resolved (jonare) 2.22.0 2023-12-04 Bug in Edit Blue Classes Def... in Buffer Tool
0000607 Data import resolved (Linus) 2.22.0 2023-12-04 Fel vid simulering av trädlista för bestånd när slutet på ungskogsfas
0000646 TPG resolved (Linus) 2.22.0 2023-11-28 Incorrect Control Category in TreatmentUnit during TPG
0000645 RegWise simulation resolved (Linus) 2.22.0 2023-11-28 Some data missing in Monte Carlo simulations
0000644 General resolved (Linus) 2.22.0 2023-11-23 Treatment.ThinningType is incorrectly calculated in StandWise

Open tickets

Id Category Severity Status Target_version Updated Summary
0000709 General minor new 2024-09-12 User Submitted Report
0000708 General minor new 2024-09-10 User Submitted Report
0000707 General minor new 2024-08-29 User Submitted Report
0000706 General minor new 2024-08-29 User Submitted Report
0000705 Optimization trivial new 2024-08-28 Dragging mouse over the name of a optimization item in the definition text editor selects the whole name
0000703 TPG major assigned (jonare) 2.22.1 2024-08-28 Planting is delayed in tactical TPG
0000670 TPG minor assigned (jonare) 2.22.1 2024-08-15 Conditions for categories without treatment programs in Tactical TPG
0000659 General minor assigned (jonare) 2.22.1 2024-08-15 StandWise fails to load textures
0000700 General minor new 2024-06-14 User Submitted Report
0000691 TPG minor new 2024-05-21 Rerun simulation has differences compared to TPG in period 0 on NFI-plots
0000689 TPG major new 2024-05-14 Empty treatment programs for short programs when second generation is Unmanaged
0000679 Growth / production minor new 2024-04-09 Mortality is calculated wrong for the first period
0000661 TPG minor new 2024-01-31 Large tactical TPG using treatment units from optimization fails
0000660 General minor assigned (cilwan) 2024-01-30 Add buttons to Select Variables-view
0000638 TPG minor new 2.22.0 2023-10-27 If a prediction unit has treatment proposals (from IPAK) no other proposals will be applied
0000606 Growth / production trivial new 2.22.0 2023-10-10 Sapling damage not deterministic
0000599 Other minor assigned (Linus) 2.21.3 2023-06-19 Invalid treatment type when calculating initial state for a stand with historic regeneration
0000582 TPG feature assigned (Linus) 2.21.0 2023-04-11 Leave stems in forest after final felling
0000531 General feature new 2022-08-30 Feature request: let user define LastThinningYear as none
0000507 Map minor assigned (Magnus) 2022-06-21 Null-rader vid export av kartfil
0000366 General feature assigned (Linus) 2020-10-06 Tests to verify dead wood handling after soil preparation.
0000341 RegWise simulation feature assigned 2020-10-06 Document the RegWise planners and simulation flow
0000281 TPG major assigned (Linus) 2019-08-21 Soil expectation values are non-consistent
0000252 Growth / production major assigned (Linus) 2019-02-14 HeurekaAPI: Age of 2-year plantation differs from expected
0000170 General minor assigned (Linus) 2.10.0 2019-01-28 Overview table in the Initial State-window disappears (PlanWise)
0000139 PlanEval minor assigned (Linus) 2.8.0 2017-10-18 "Det finns redan en öppen DataReader som har associerats med Command"
0000026 TPG minor assigned (Linus) 2016-03-24 No regeneration after removal of seed trees